
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ndola runs out of TB drugs

Ndola runs out of TB drugs
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Tue 02 Nov. 2010, 08:20 CAT

"It is true that TB drugs are nowhere to be found" NDOLA district has run out of tuberculosis (TB) drugs. Sources at Ndola District Health office revealed in an interview that all public clinics had run out of the drugs and the malaria drug Coartem would run out by next year.

“It is true that TB drugs are nowhere to be found. The ministry is going to tell you that drugs are there. But just know that it is a lie. I am telling the truth because on Friday, the accountant at Ndola DHMT District Health Management Team offices was told to purchase the drugs because they were out of stock,” one of the sources said.

The sources said there could be a crisis if the government did not act swiftly.
And some nurses at Ndola Central Hospital, Masala and Chipulukusu clinics confirmed that the drug had run out.

When contacted for comment, Ministry of Health spokesperson Dr Kamoto Mbewe said some areas had low supply of the drug.

He said the drugs were purchased and they were distributed in all parts of the country.
“We purchased the drug when we heard that some areas were running low. The drug is being distributed as I speak to you. And for Coartem, what I know is that we have adequate drugs in stock. But we have started distributing the TB drugs,” said Dr Mbewe.

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