
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Post writes Chiluba’s aide over his anonymous, libelous articles

Post writes Chiluba’s aide over his anonymous, libelous articles
By Chibaula Silwamba
Wed 03 Nov. 2010, 04:01 CAT

POST managing editor Amos Malupenga has written to former president Frederick Chiluba’s spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba, exposing him for writing anonymous articles on the Mathew Mohan murder trial accusing The Post of giving credibility to Mohan’s lies in court.

In his letter to Mwamba dated November 2, 2010 and copied to Supreme Court judge Gregory Phiri, Lusaka High Court judge-in-charge Philip Musonda and Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde, Malupenga stated that The Post was seeking advice from its lawyers on how to proceed on the articles that Mwamba caused to be published against it.

“After various telephone conversations between yourself and myself, where you admitted your unacceptable conduct, I wish to put on record The Post’s displeasure at the manner in which you have continued to malign and cast aspersions at the newspaper by writing various articles which you publish anonymously on the internet and circulate via email and some web based publications such as ‘The Zambian Watchdog’,” Malupenga stated.

“Last week, in your usual cowardly style of hiding behind anonymity, you authored and caused to be published on the ‘The Zambian Watchdog’ an article titled: ‘Powerful forces and corruption in Mohan’s murder trial’.”

Malupenga further stated that the said article was Mwamba’s commentary on Inktech managing director Mathew Mohan, who is being tried for murder before Supreme Court judge Gregory Phiri, who has been sitting as a High Court judge.

“You wrote this commentary although the matter is still in court. If it were The Post that had written such a piece, you would have been in the forefront of calling for our arrest as you have done in the past. You have not written one commentary on the Mohan case, but two!” Malupenga stated.

“In the latest article, you accuse us of giving Mathew Mohan’s testimony credibility and accuse Honourabe Mr Justice Gregory S. Phiri of dereliction and complicity in a political conspiracy by allowing the testimony.”

Malupenga stated that it was unacceptable that Mwamba should accuse The Post of misconduct by its mere publication of what was said in the High Court. He stated that Mwamba’s attack on The Post was totally unfounded.

“But it would appear that you have a strange interest in this murder case. You go to great lengths to give your version of events and decide who is responsible and who is innocent of the Itowala murder,” Malupenga stated.

“You seem to be privy to very intricate details of how Sajid Itolwala was murdered.
How did you come to know all the intricate details on this murder? You write as though you were in one vehicle with Itowala and his murderers!”

Malupenga stated that Mwamba’s attempts to connect The Post to some conspiracy or other was not new.

“This is part of your concerted effort to malign us through the continuous anonymous write-ups you churn out where you even fail to decide where to place us. On other occasions you accuse us of holding the judiciary captive and therefore working with them and yet on others we are working against them. Can you please decide where you want us to be; even in lies there has to be some consistency,” Malupenga stated.

“Whereas we appreciate that it is your job to run the propaganda machine for your boss and his friends, it seems that in your desperation to appear relevant, you are now exceeding your limits by becoming a commentator on matters that you do not even understand. You are now a mercenary.”

Malupenga challenged Mwamba to deny being the author of the malicious pieces that were crisscrossing the internet, maligning various people.

“We hope that, having received this letter, you shall henceforth stop maligning The Post on your web platform. We are seeking advice from our lawyers on how to proceed on the articles that you have already published,” stated Malupenga.

“By copy of this letter, we trust that the Honourable Mr Justice G S Phiri who you accuse of impropriety in the handling of the Mohan case, Inspector General of Police Mr Francis Kabonde and others who you accuse of corruption in relation to the Itowala case will take an interest in your behaviour.”

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