
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rupiah is running a predatory regime – Sata

Rupiah is running a predatory regime – Sata
By George Chellah and Florence Bupe
Wed 10 Nov. 2010, 04:02 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata yesterday said President Rupiah Banda is running a predatory regime, which does not inspire hope in the Zambian people. And Sata said there is need to review the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) Act in order to nationalise its operations and functions. In an interview, Sata said President Banda’s leadership is a mockery to the Zambians.

“When you look at access to quality education and health care for the majority of our people it has remained only a pipedream while the elite continue to promote their predatory social and economic habits at the expense of the majority. Rupiah is running a predatory regime, which does not inspire any hope in our people,” Sata said.

“It’s only an irresponsible government like this one that can continue to be oblivious and turn a blind eye to such social and economic inequities amongst its citizens. The human dignity of every nation lies in its citizens irrespective of their status. To guarantee human rights in the Constitution without the promotion of human dignity of individual citizens is not only a meaningless exercise but also a mockery to them.”

He said among things the Zambians required food, shelter, access to clean water and employment.

Sata also cited the agricultural sector as a major industry of economic importance to the nation.

“Apart from providing food for the nation, the sector also provides employment to the majority of the population of Zambia and absorbs more than 67 per cent of the labour force.”

He said to address the problems facing the sector, the PF government would ensure that agriculture plays a pivotal role in creating employment and promoting national food security.

“Among the other things we will do will be for us to depoliticise the maize industry so as to enable farmers realise a reasonable return on their investment, we will facilitate the establishment of an autonomous farmers’ bank, we will also encourage commercial banks in Zambia to provide affordable credit with manageable interest rates to the agricultural sector,” Sata said. “The PF government will promote educational programmes to encourage savings schemes amongst our small scale farmers, it will review from time to time the tariff structure for electricity for the agricultural industry and we will further review from time to time restrictions on export of maize without compromising national food security in order to facilitate access to off-shore financing by farmers.”

Sata stressed the need to review the FRA Act in order to nationalise its operations and functions including its role in maintaining strategic reserve of food crops.

On small and medium-scale farmers support programme, Sata said that under the MMD government crop subsidies have been politicised and have ended up benefiting MMD cadres.

“This has led to poor performance of this critical sector and failure to alleviate poverty. As PF we recognise the need to subsidise small and medium-scale farmers in respect of crop inputs so as to benefit these farmers in order to enhance agricultural production, income and national food security,” he said.

He said the PF government would depoliticise the farmers support programme by involving traditional rulers through district chiefs’ councils and ward village councils.

“We will introduce a farmer support programme which will build financial self reliance of small and medium scale farmers and ensure their graduation into emergent and commercial farmers,” he said.
He said PF would also recapitalise the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ).

On livestock and fisheries development, Sata said the livestock population in Zambia has been decimated due to the MMD government’s failure to control animal diseases.

He said the fishing industry has also been characterised by rapid depletion of stock and species, which has led to diminished household food security.

He said the PF government would promote good animal husbandry practices and programmes for small livestock.

“We will rehabilitate existing and construct new dip tanks and make cattle dipping compulsory and we will promote intensive vaccination programmes against poultry and other small livestock diseases,” he said.

Sata said PF would also undertake annual livestock audits for planning purposes.

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