
Friday, November 12, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Bennett speech-a sign of MDC-T decline

Bennett speech-a sign of MDC-T decline
By: Ralph Mutema
Posted: Friday, November 12, 2010 5:43 am

ROY Bennett's speech in Paris yesterday is an attempt to escalate the so-called "Zimbabwean crisis" inorder to tarnish the upcoming elections; and ultimately have them declared unfree and unfair.

The MDC-T lot has become very predictable and pathetic over the years. Bennett's speech is just a fund-raising strategy for the MDC-T. He could not fathom the idea of being "trapped" in Zimbabwe while elections were on their way. That would have paralysed the MDC-T financially. He is the chief fundraiser and therefore needed to be outside the country, raising money and handling MDC-T's foreign bank accounts.

Let's brace ourselves for the season of "crisis escalation". The commentaries on how elections will be marred by violence will increase. The lot in the MDC-T will also deliberately "create the crisis" inorder to tarnish the electoral process.

Bennett, in his desire to fundraise for the increasing broke MDC-T will go to any extremes to make sure that he gets the electoral support (moral and financial) the MDC-T needs at the forthcoming elections.

That is why he left the country when the threat to his life and limb was non-existent. There was no danger to his life or any impending incarceration, but he did it to present a picture of lawlessness in the country and harassment to MDC-T supporters.

Unfortunately, the new British government, unlike Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's Labour governments, does not believe these MDC-T shenanigans. They sent their own fact-finding team to Zimbabwe to assess the situation on the ground; and reported favourably on the country.

That is why their immigration policy on Zimbabwe is now being brought in line with the general immigration and asylum policy in the United Kingdom. That special dispensation that had been afforded Zimbabweans in the country is no longer sustainable or justifiable.

How can he blatantly lie that Zanu-PF inherited a "Breadbasket of Africa"? Zanu-PF created the "Breadbasket of Southern Africa".

He even gets the phrase wrong. It wasn't the "Breadbasket of Africa".

Communal farmers after independence were supported extensively by the Zanu-PF government and they took grain to the Grain Marketing Board, while white commercial farmers grew cash crops.

Communal farmers helped create the "Breadbasket of Southern Africa" status, not Ian Smith's Rhodesia Front as Bennett would like us to believe.

These are the lies that infuriate the hard-working people of Zimbabwe; and those people who made sacrifices for the black man's dignity to be restored in that country.

Read with a tooth-comb, Bennett's speech is adding to a list of unsubstantiated allegations that have become characteristic of him. There are a lot of defamatory statements in his speech, and the police will need to examine those allegations and possibly bring new charges against him.

Bennett is just an unrepentant Rhodie, putting a cosmetic touch to his litany of criminal cases in Zimbabwe. He is now on a rampage to tarnish what has been a very functional government; a government which Tsvangirai and his team are saying will never leave.

See how they get dumb and mum on the issue of KP certification. While Minister Obert Mpofu, Affirmative Action Group's Supa Mandiwanzira and Tafadzwa Musarara are running around trying to help Zimbabwe get diamond certification to improve the lives of millions, Tsvangirai and his lot remain mum. In fact, they rush to Mabvuku to talk about freedom of speech and how President Mugabe is making unilateral decisions in government.

At the same time Theresa Makone, is telling an online radio station that all decisions are made by Cabinet and her work in the Home Affairs ministry with co-minister Kembo Mohadi is "excellent" and beyond reproach. This is the ridiculousness that characterises this party.

Bennett's lies are getting increasingly ridiculous and not many people in Europe believe his stories anymore. They are too busy mending that own economies and Cameron is concerned about expenditure cuts to worry about a mindless bunch that has nothing to offer but tantrums and boycotts.

The whole MDC-T project is crumbling in our very eyes - with the emberassing snub by the EU and UN over diplomatic reassignments among many snubs. Tsvangirai's trips to Europe have significantly been reduced compared to 2007-8. The MDC was never meant to survive this long anyway. The West wanted it as a stop-gap measure - a proxy against the Fast Track Land Reform programme.

The only way now for that party is down; with no serious overseas structures anymore and an increasingly skeptical electoral base.

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