
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Keep revolutionary spirit alive: Mnangagwa

Keep revolutionary spirit alive: Mnangagwa
Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 3:16 am

ZANU-PF secretary for legal affairs Emmerson Mnangagwa says Zimbabwe will never give in to the whims of neo-colonialists bent on effecting regime change, even if it means the illegal economic sanctions were to remain in place forever.

Addressing Zanu-PF supporters at Bvute Primary School in Madamombe communal lands in Chivi North last Friday during celebrations to mark the elevation of Senator Josaya Hungwe into the Politburo, Mnangagwa said Zimbabwe would never go back into the hands of its former colonisers again.

Mnangagwa, who is also Defence Minister, said it was up to the young generation to keep the revolutionary spirit alive.

“Let me point out clearly that this country came at a very huge price that we cannot allow it to slip back into the hands of neo-imperialists — we would have betrayed the blood and wishes of those dead comrades who yearned for a non-racial and equal Zimbabwe.

“So let it be clear to those who have imposed illegal sanctions on us that sanctions or no sanctions, Zimbabwe will never be a colony again.

“The price that was paid for this country to be independent was just too high. We can’t fail those departed comrades who shed their blood to see a prosperous Zimbabwe,” he said.

He added: “MDC is not a people-driven party — it is directed from somewhere. It is a puppet political party — that is why they are even now changing goalposts on the new constitution after having realised that they were defeated by Zanu-PF — they are not pursuing their own agenda,” he said.

He said it was imperative for Zimbabweans to shun the donor dependence syndrome and develop a culture of self-reliance pinned on control of key resources such as land and minerals.

Minister Mnangagwa said the West imposed illegal economic sanctions on Zimbabwe so that Zimbabweans would revolt against the Zanu-PF Government.

He hailed the people of Chivi for voting for Zanu-PF and Hungwe in the 2008 harmonised polls.

Speaking at the same event, Hungwe said his elevation into the Politburo was a way of honouring the people of Chivi for their overwhelming support for Zanu-PF.

Among those who attended the celebrations were Zanu-PF former Midlands Governor Cephas Msipa and and Zanu-PF Masvingo provincial youth secretary for finance Jappy Jabboon.

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