
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Like Chiluba, Tsvangirai unfit for presidency

Like Chiluba, Tsvangirai unfit for presidency
By: Mpala Muzyamba-Ndoro
Posted: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 4:03 am

DEAR EDITOR - I am a Zambian woman living in the United Kingdom (not permanently) and am married to a hard working intelligent Zimbabwean man.

I have been following news on Zimbabwe for a good part of the last decade and am shocked by some of reports I read about this beautiful country. I am not surprised anyway given the level of spin and misinformation that now characterises much of the international media organisations.

Even highly regarded outlets like the BBC, CNN and Channel 4 news, among others, have fallen into this mindless reporting on Zimbabwe.

I will not even mention the many online news outlets run by some of the most ignorant Zimbabweans I have come across. One wonders where they had their journalistic training and the wherewithall to comment on some very technical issues. For a country that has the highest literacy rate in Africa, this is an embarassment.

I have to say that those who rush to criticize Zimbabwe should consider what that strides that country has made in comparison to many countries in Africa; many of whom achieved independence decades before Zimbabwe.

Recently, the BBC was forced to report the remarkable progress that has been made in Zimbabwe since the land reform exercise started a decade ago; despite years of reporting that it had been a disaster. It took a British organisation to do some research for them to believe it - the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University.

There was nothing new that IDS said. The Zimbabwean government has been saying that for a long time; and obviously the BBC was not listening. How many other issues are they letting slip, or deliberately blocking?

I have to warn the people of Zimbabwe that in Zambia we had our own version of Morgan Tsvangirai, in the form of former President Frederick Chilumba. His party, like the Movement for Democratic Change of Tsvangirai, was called Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD). It was also a foreign-made outfit which made many promises to the Zambian people.

Like Tsvangirai, Chiluba, had trade union roots and was backed by the west to oust President Kenneth Kaunda. Zambians thought this talk about democracy would bring prosperity into the country.

That never happened. In fact, Chiluba became one of the most corrupt leaders the country has ever seen and will ever see.

He sold off many of Zambia's resources to foreign companies and Zambians today own nothing and are suffering in their own country; while foreigner thrive.

Despite campaigning on a peaceful ticket, he became hostile and vicious to Founding Father Kaunda, whom he wanted tried and expelled from the country; so never believe a single thing these people say. They can say anything to get into power and then change afterwards.

When he eventually left, after attempting to change the constitution to suit himself, we had Levy Mwanawasa, who also took many IMF and World Bank loans that cost the country dearly; and much of Zambia's wealth now goes into debt servicing.

I have to warn the people of Zimbabwe that these so-called democrats will drive that country into disaster. Tsvangirai has already proved to be a clone of Chiluba and the Zimbabwean people should be very careful in their election of president, otherwise the gains of the liberation struggle will go to the dogs. The west is relentless in its pursuit of African wealth and resources, and people like Tsvangirai are the perfect route.

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