
Sunday, November 28, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Poverty in Zimbabwe brought by sanctions: MP

Poverty in Zimbabwe brought by sanctions: MP
By: Samantha Chidzero
Posted: Saturday, November 27, 2010 6:45 am

THE Zanu-PF MP for Hurungwe East says illegal sanctions imposed by the West have ruined the country's economy and are responsible for poverty in Zimbabwe.

Speaking in Parliament on Thursday, Sarah Mahoka, said the sanctions which have been promoted by the MDC-T party of Mr Morgan Tsvangirai, have dealt a huge blow to Zimbabweans. She added that even legislators and judges in Zimbabwe could not afford a decent pair of shoes or a decent suit.

"If you look at judges in different districts, if you look at their suits they are all faded no judge has a decent suit. It is humiliating to have judges with such 'uniform'.

"We cannot even afford a pair of shoes for one to be presentable as a Member of Parliament.

"If you look at the shoes that they put on, it is embarassing to say that they are government employees who actually work for this country."

President Mugabe has called for the lifting of the sanctions imposed by the EU and United States over a bilateral dispute between Zimbabwe and Britain over the land issue.

Britain reneged on obligations made at Lancaster House in London to fund the land reform exercise in Zimbabwe.

Government in 2000 embarked on the Fast Track Land Reform programme which sought to redress colonial imbalances in land ownership.

Regional organisations in Africa, including Sadc and the African Union, have also called for the lifting of the illegal sanctions saying they are hurting the people of Zimbabwe and slowing development in the region.

Mahoka also said the work of law enforcement officers in the country was also adversely affected by sanctions.

"If we look at our police officers, they cannot get vehicles to do their work.

"An Officer in Charge cannot get a vehicle to use in performing their duties," she said.

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