
Monday, November 15, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai unqualified to talk about corruption

Tsvangirai unqualified to talk about corruption
By: Nancy Pasipanodya
Posted: Monday, November 15, 2010 10:24 am

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's recent speech at Lobengula Hall in Bulawayo on Monday in which he called Local Government Minister Ignatius Chombo 'shameless and primitive' should not go unchallenged.

While we cannot comment on the intricacies of the allegations against Minister Chombo, we think the prime minister is exhibiting immature and childlike behaviour by using such incidents for politicking.

He heads the Council of Ministers and should use those channels to censure the minister. He also sits in Cabinet, where he can meet Minister Chombo at close range. He should question those allegations in those structures. This is his role.

There is also the Anti-Corruption Commission and a parliamentary committee that can ask the minister to account for these assets and which should investigate such issues, if there is any need.

Tsvangirai cannot be judge and jury in Zimbabwe and is not the law unto himself.

Many people in Zanu-PF have kept quiet about his uncouth behaviour exhibited many times; including the mindless writing of "nullification letters" to the West. MDC-T councillors in almost every council have been implicated in corruption, with embarassing reports in Harare and Chitungwiza mainly. Tsvangirai has kept quiet in all these instances.

The MDC-T has also promised a lot of people that it will publish assets of all its members. That never happened. MDC-T spokesman, Nelson Chamisa, made that promise two years ago and we are still to see that list.

Tsvangirai's own office is also known to receive a lot of parallel government funds from the West and he has never explained to anyone how that came about. There are claims of people getting paid up to US$10,000 while most civil servants earn US$200. How can Tsvangirai justify this?

There have been allegations of embezzlement of funds and corruption in MDC-T structures in London and Tsvangirai has kept quiet about those corruption practices. The party has also taken money and bribes to issue bogus immigration letters and party cards to use as "evidence" for asylum claims in the United Kingdom, yet the whole leadership of the MDC-T has remained mum. His own ambassador in Germany, Hebson Makuvise was implicated in a £20,000 embezzlement scandal, but Tsvangirai kept quiet.

Tsvangirai cannot be the champion in anti-corruption talk. He certainly cannot have his cake and eat it. He should spring clean his party first before he attacks ministers in a government whose Council of Ministers he chair.

Recently, an MDC-T member appointed as an ambassador in Australia, Ms Jacqueline Zwambila, came under fire for acting in an "undiplomatic" manner after allegedly stripping in front of embassy staff. The prime ministe remained mum on this issue.

Sekai Holland made some hurtful and divisive statements regarding Matabele King Lobengula, calling him a thief, yet Tsvangirai failed to censure him. Ironically, today, Holland still leads the national healing process in Zimbabwe.

Tsvangirai should use his good offices to deal with these issues and let processes created in the country to deal with them rather than try to garner cheap votes over the issue.

Such behaviour is unbecoming of a prime minister and he should examine his position very closely if he is to be taken seriously. But then again, we should expect such kneejerk reactions from a man whose life as a political leader can only be measured by the number of boycotts and mindless nullifications he has issued to no effect.

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