
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zim must sue Kimberley Process: ADPA

Zim must sue Kimberley Process: ADPA
Posted: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 10:51 am

THE African Diamond Producers Association says Zimbabwe should sue the KPCS in the international courts for refusing to certify its sale of diamonds even though their appointed monitor has said the country meets the minimun requirements. The Association has advised Harare to take the legal action as the KP was openly violating its own procedures.

KP appointed monitor, Abbey Chikane, says the country has met and surpassed all the requirements needed for certification, but United States, Canada and Australia have opposed the certification for political reasons. These countries have imposed illegal economic sanctions on Zimbabwe.

ADPA is quoted by the Southern Times saying it will throw its weight behind Zimbabwe in the event it sues the KPCS secretariat.

"Zimbabwe should contemplate taking legal action against the KP.

"Zimbabwe’s diamonds cannot be held at ransom by one or two countries," Namibia’s diamonds commissioner Mr Kennedy Hamutenya reportedly told delegates attending a meeting of the ADPA in Namibia last week.

"The joint work plan agreed to in Swakopmund (2009) has since expired. Zimbabwe was never suspended from the Kimberly Process and consensus is required to do that.

"There is a working document that we all signed up to and it is based on the premise that Zimbabwe would be allowed to export once it has complied with the joint work plan," he added.

Hamutenya said the KP was formed to stop the flow of conflict diamonds. It noted that there was no civil war in Zimbabwe.

"Only the World Trade Organisation can stop a country from trading its diamonds.

"The KP has no right whatsoever, no legal basis. There are solid grounds for Zimbabwe to take legal action," he said.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe boycotted a KP meeting in Belgium yesterday.

The KP members gathered in Brussels yesterday and were expected to reach an agreement on Zimbabwe’s diamond exports.

Mines and Mining Development Minister Obert Mpofu confirmed the KP was meeting in Brussels.

He said the KP extended an invitation for Zimbabwe to attend the meeting but the country would not be part to proceedings in Brussels.

"They have been begging us to attend the meeting but we are not attending.

"We have nothing to discuss with them. They are the ones who need to sort themselves out. We have no problems," Minister Mpofu said.

Zimbabwe has met the KP minimum requirements to trade in its diamonds.

Western countries led by the United States, Canada and Australia continue to influence the KP not to permit Zimbabwe to sell its diamonds freely on the international market.

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