
Saturday, November 27, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zuma, Mugabe discuss election timetable

Zuma, Mugabe discuss election timetable
By: Ralph Mutema
Posted: Friday, November 26, 2010 7:22 pm

SOUTH African President Jacob Zuma jetted in Zimbabwe on Friday for one-day talks with President Mugabe and other leaders in the inclusive Government. He will also meet prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai and deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara to be appraised of developments in the government.

Presidents Mugabe and Zuma will also discuss the timetable for elections, Mr Zuma’s spokesman Zizi Kodwa told the Zimbabwe Guardian. President Zuma is the Sadc-appointed facilitator in the all-party negotiations.

The 15-member Sadc grouping is the guarantor of the Global Political Agreement signed by the three principals in February 2009.

The South African president was met by President Mugabe upon his arrival in Zimbabwe Friday afternoon.

The regional bloc asked him to come after the Troika, chaired by President Rupiah Banda of Zambia and deputised by President Armando Guebuza of Mozambique, failed to meet in Botswana last weekend.

He will meet Mr Tsvangirai to discuss Zimbabwe's the GPA, before having a joint discussion with all three leaders.

The joint meeting “will take place very late tonight,” Kodwa said.

“We can only know then whether there is headway in terms of the issues and concerns, whether with regard to the timetable for elections or issues raised in relation to implementation” of the power-sharing deal.

Zimbabwean presidential spokesman, Mr George Charamba said the leaders will discuss the work of the interim government so far, before President Zuma heads back to South Africa tonight.

President Zuma could not disclose what was discussed last night saying he would have to brief the full Troika, which would in turn report to Sadc.

He, however, said they covered a wide range of issues including Zimbabwe-South Africa bilateral ties.

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