
Monday, November 15, 2010

‘Voters have lost confidence’

‘Voters have lost confidence’
By Agness Changala
Mon 15 Nov. 2010, 03:59 CAT

SENIOR chief Mwamba has attributed the apathy that has characterised the voter registration exercise to loss of confidence in the country’s political system. Chief Mwamba of the Bemba of Northern Province said people were tired of being told lies by politicians.

He said politicians were fond of making promises to the electorate but did not fulfil them. Chief Mwamba said people were usually enthusiastic about participating in politics once given hope by politicians.

“Right now, it’s only a few people registering as voters, senior citizens like me are no longer interested,” chief Mwamba said in an interview.

Chief Mwamba said politicians must be honest if they wanted to change people’s perception of politics in the country.

He said politicians must begin to fulfil the promises they make to people during election campaigns.

Chief Mwamba said the electorate will be motivated to participate in elections once politicians fulfil their duty.

And chief Ndake of Eastern Province said traditional leaders in his chiefdom were encouraging people to register as voters.

He said those who had relatives without National Registration Cards (NRCs) were asked to assist acquire them and register as voters.

Chief Ndake said there were frustrations among orphans who did not have guardians because they were not allowed to get NRCs.

Chief Ndake appealed to officers issuing NRCs to consider such people upon presentation of relevant documents. Chief Chibale of Central Province said the team, which was carrying out the mobile registration of NRCs only visited his area once and some people did not manage to get their cards.

However, he said the voter registration exercise was going on well. Chief Chibale urged people to register as voters and elect leaders of their choice.

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