
Thursday, November 25, 2010

ZNFU calls for reversal of GMO policy

ZNFU calls for reversal of GMO policy
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Thu 25 Nov. 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE ZNFU is proposing that Zambia should embrace genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to improve productivity of certain crops.

Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) president Jervis Zimba said calls for a stark reversal of the stance taken by the country a few years ago follows low competitiveness of the local agriculture sector.

“Nearly four years ago, the government made a strong stance against GMOs. We, however, now believe that time has come to open the discussions on GMOs more so now that bio-safety regulation board has been set up under the Ministry of Science and Technology where ZNFU is ably represented,” Zimba said during the launch of the 2010/2011 agricultural planting season held at Mweetwa farm in Mumbwa on Tuesday.

“While cautiously mindful of the public perception about GMOs, as a country we must not be left out particularly in exploring production-enhancing technologies which can be tried in Cotton production to start with.”

Zimba said GMOs could also help to improve productivity of small-scale farming and make a dent on rural poverty.

“In other countries where bio-technology, especially for cotton, has been used, our small-scale farmers are able to produce 10 times more than our current levels of production with less inputs, implying less production cost leading to huge profits to our small-scale farmers,” said Zimba.

The government banned the production and consumption of genetically modified crops, saying this would impact negatively on the country’s agricultural potential.

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