
Sunday, December 26, 2010

CEC signs land agreement with N/West chiefs

CEC signs land agreement with N/West chiefs
By David Chongo in Solwezi
Sun 26 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT

COPPERBELT Energy Corporation (CEC) and two chiefs in North Western Province have signed an agreement for the release of 15, 000 hectares of land toward the construction of the Kabompo Hydro-power station beginning in 2011.

The agreement which was due on Tuesday between CEC and senior chief Musele of Solwezi and senior chief Sailunga in Mwinilunga was finally appended to on Wednesday after delays following some concerns raised by the traditional leaders.

And North Western Province permanent secretary Daniel Bowasi said the region was poised for unprecedented development following the proposed investment in power generation.

Bowasi said energy was extremely important to the region as high-energy demanding industries set up in the area.

“Energy is extremely important to our mines and is extremely important to the development of the entire province. This investment must benefit the people in which they operate. Kabompo will not be like the power projects in Southern Province where it passes the local people,” he said.

Bowasi said the government was putting emphasis on the generation of power in the region as it had great potential to alleviate the pressure on the existing power stations.

The project that would displace about 29 families around Kabompo Gorge and would cost $120 million is expected to generate 40-megawatt of electricity when it’s finally completed by 2015.

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