
Friday, December 03, 2010

Clergyman urges Zambians to reject new constitution

Clergyman urges Zambians to reject new constitution
By Kombe Chimpinde
Fri 03 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT

A MANSA clergyman says Zambians should reject the new constitution because it excludes contentious clauses such as the 50 per cent plus one threshold. Fr Mambwe Mpasa, the vicar general of Mansa Diocese, said people should reject the soon-to-be enacted new constitution to show that they were not to be taken for granted.

Vice-President George Kunda recently said the government would enact the new constitution, excluding the clauses that were referred to a referendum because it had no money for the exercise.

“It is disheartening and mind boggling to comprehend what the government means when it says that it doesn’t have money. Do they think they are governing children from the kindergarten? What do they take us for?” Fr Mpasa said in an interview yesterday. “There is nothing that will be as costly as governing the country on a poor constitution which is what government is doing. That is why accepting this constitution that government is proposing will be a grave mistake for Zambians.”

He said the government must accept that it messed up the constitution-making process, and pave way for another government which could give people a constitution that would stand the test of time.

“Enacting the constitution in the suggested form will not make any sense at all. If they so wish, let them put it into the archive and let other leaders who are capable handle it because they have failed,” Fr Mpasa said.

He said the government should enact the constitution with all the clauses that were referred to the referendum.

“In fact, we shall make this a basis of our discussions as we go to the elections so that the people can vote for a leader who will implement their aspirations. This is our supreme law of the land and we will not allow government to display double standards,” said Fr Mpasa.

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