
Thursday, December 02, 2010

DEC is pursuing Rupiah’s agenda, says Mpombo

DEC is pursuing Rupiah’s agenda, says Mpombo
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 02 Dec. 2010, 04:01 CAT

DEC is operating under Rupiah Banda’s vicious political agenda, says George Mpombo. In an interview, Mpombo, who is Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament, said it was very irritating to the Zambian people that state institutions were pandering to the whims of President Banda and those in power to pursue political opponents.

He said the Drug Enforcement Commission’s pursuit of Sata over the US$100,000 and failure to investigate former president Frederick Chiluba over his unexplained $8 million in the Zamtrop account was a very serious indictment on DEC’s credibility.

Mpombo said the state institutions were very quick to investigate alleged scandals involving President Banda’s critics, while doing nothing to those the President favoured.

“DEC is operating under Rupiah Banda’s political agenda, very vindictive and vicious political agenda of Comrade Rupiah Banda. DEC must know that come next year, Rupiah Banda will not be around,” Mpombo said.

He accused the DEC of applying double standards in pursuing important issues.

“The $8 million they can’t come in and they want to pounce on poor Michael Chilufya (Sata),” he said.

Mpombo said the claim by DEC that they were an autonomous and professional organisation did not hold because the circumstances through which they launched investigations against Sata were questionable.

He said they acted on the matter a few days after some government sponsored NGO complained that they should investigate Sata.

“It is not true to say government institutions are not being used. In my case, remember the Findlay case? The matter was withdrawn officially from court and Bonny Kapeso then police spokesperson confirmed. The government without any complaint moved in,” Mpombo said.

He said President Banda’s government had destroyed the credibility of the state institutions who were now conniving with him to oppress critics.

Mpombo said public confidence in state institutions was at an all time low.

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