
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fixing Mahtani amounts to witchcraft - Shakas

COMMENT - Hmmm... Something tells me there is a defection in the works. Not that I disagree with anything that is said, of course.

Fixing Mahtani amounts to witchcraft - Shakas
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Sat 25 Dec. 2010, 04:01 CAT

MANOEUVRES to fix Dr Rajan Mahtani through the BoZ takeover of Finance Bank amounts to witchcraft, says Jonas Shakafuswa. And Shakafuswa has charged that it was wrong for the government to take over Finance Bank simply because of suspicions that its former board chairman Dr Mahtani is suspected to be a financier of the Patriotic Front.

Shakafuswa, who is also Katuba MMD member of parliament and former deputy Minister of Finance, condemned what he termed as manoeuvres by the government to fix Dr Mahtani through the BoZ.

“This is very unfortunate and very wrong for this country and if somebody is dancing, then I think ni muloshi ‘a witch’ and we don’t need such kind of a person in this country and the time will come when we will speak loud through the vote,” Shakafuswa said.

He said Finance Bank should not be killed simply because of suspicions that its former board chairman Dr Rajan Mahtani was suspected to have been one of the key financiers to the Patriotic Front.

“This is not a one party state. If Mahtani was funding Michael Sata…anyone even if they want to fund anyone, they have the right to do so,” he said.

He said the Zambian would have the last laugh next year.

“I want to tell the Zambians that if that thing government’s takeover of Finance Bank is out of malice, they shouldn’t be scared because people doing that, their days are numbered,” he warned.

“Because you can’t kill a bank like Finance Bank…where are you going to take all those employees? Where are you going to take their children? Is BoZ going to employ them? The Bank of Zambia should have come up with the solution than rush into running down a very solid bank like Finance Bank.”

And Shakafuswa has said money laundering offence has become laughable due to the selective nature with which Drug Enforcement Commission was applying the law.

“We are told of ministers with over US $600,000 in their accounts, then you go for someone who is got US $100,000 in an account,” said Shakafuswa.

“This is our country and DEC doesn’t belong to a few individuals. It is an institution which belongs to the people of Zambia. The Zambia Police doesn’t belong to a few guys, it belongs to the people of Zambia.”

He was commenting on the recent interrogation of PF chairman of elections Geoffrey Mwamba and party president Michael Sata over US$100,000.

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