
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

(HERALD) Let’s tell sanctions story through film

Let’s tell sanctions story through film

EDITOR — I recently watched a documentary on America’s 9/11 attack and felt the urge to write this letter. While I sympathise with the innocent civilian victims, I cursed the political leaders of the self-proclaimed superpower for lying to their civilian population by wanting to gain sympathy of their citizens as they claimed that they were being attacked by terrorists.

The truth is that the biggest terrorists are the American politicians who have bombed countries all over the world — in Africa, the Middle East and Asia — to gain control of natural resources of those countries.

What Americans experienced on 9/11 is what they inflict on other nations world- wide.

As I watched their documentary, I felt that we in Zimbabwe must challenge our film-makers to come up with documentaries for situations in Chimoio, Nyadzonia, Tembwe and many others so that we tell the world how we were terrorised by Rhode-sians, through the support they got from the Americans and the British.

We are very fortunate in that we still have a large number of those that survived these terrorist attacks and our Zanu-PF Govern-ment has developed the ground zeroes where these attacks took place in Mozambi-que and Zambia.

Our documentaries would be unique in that they would include economic terrorist attacks that we are being subjected to by America and Britain and the resultant cholera victims, disruption of the education system, the closure of companies, the erosion of pensioners’ income and the destruction of our road network.

Let us tell the world these terrorist atta-cks through film.

Bigboy Zvirevei.

Via e-mail.

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