
Thursday, December 23, 2010

(HERALD) MDCs clueless: President

MDCs clueless: President
From George Maponga in GUTU

PRESIDENT Mugabe yesterday blasted the two MDC formations, describing them as clueless parties whose short tenure in the inclusive Government exposed their deficiency in critical policy.

Addressing thousands of people, including chiefs, headmen and village heads at Chami-nuka Primary School here yesterday, the President urged Zimbabweans to take a meticulous look at the MDC formations and see the appa-rent lack of direction in them.

The Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, had paid a visit to his uncle Mr Kasirai Masanganise who is Chief Gutu and brother to his late mother Ambuya Bona Mugabe.

President Mugabe said the two MDC formations were beginning to lose grassroots support owing to their pervasive lack of direction.

The two parties had hoodwinked Zimbabweans into following them.

"Ndosaka vachiti ‘Chinja! Chinja!’ Unochinjei? Haukwanise kuchinja ganda rako dema kana kuti nyika yako yeZimbabwe, kana ukavati uyu mudzimai wangu unonzwa voti chinja.

"Izvozvo ndozvakuvaruzisa support. Hapana nezvevanhu apa, kana.

"Even in Government they have no policy as compared to us in Zanu-PF who came up with policies in education, health and even indigenisation of the economy which is now expanding to cover mines and factories," he said.

President Mugabe stressed that contrary to the MDC formations policy, Zanu-PF had an impeccable record in formulating people centred policies as evidenced by success in sectors such as education, health and infrastructure development since independence in 1980.

The President urged Zimbabweans to prepare for elections next year, which he said, would be preceded by a referendum on the new constitution.

"Tinofara kuti pakunyorwa kwebumbiro idzva remutemo pfungwa dzeZanu-PF ndidzo dzakataurwa zvine mutsindo saka tinoti nyaya ye new constitution haingadzokere shure, pachabuda gwaro rinonzi draft constitution ndiro rozovhoterwa, mukupera kwaizvozvo kwozoi-twa ma elections.

"Gore rinouya tirikufunga zvema elections nekuti chipuka ichi (inclusive Government) chinofanira kubva, chaingove chigamba chaka-namirwa panga pakabooka," he said.

President Mugabe reiterated that Government would not back down on its efforts to indigenise the economy, adding any foreign investor to Zimbabwe should come as a junior partner.

"Nguva yekuramba tichishandira vamwe yapera — kana vanhu vachinzi vari kushanda, vari kushandira ani? Tinoda kuzvitonga kwakakwana. Mabhunu anofanira kuuya kuzovamba makambani munyika medu vari pasi pedu isu vanhu vatema. Avo vanenge vasingade ngavagare zvavo. We must be masters of our own destiny!" he said to an applause from villagers.

The President added that Government introduced the Indigenisation and Empowerment Act as a way of consolidating the land reform programme by extending indigenous control not only to the land, but to everything found on the land.

"Kuzvitonga kuzere kwanga kusina kunyatsomira zvakanaka kunyanya muzvicherwa zvakaita semadiamonds, goridhe, chrome nezvimwe zvakadaro uye mumafakitari munogadzirwa zvinhu manga makabatwa nava-rungu. Ndosaka takazoisa mutemo wekuti tombotora 51 percent ivo votora 49 percent, ndokwatakasvika ikoko kuti tigoti takabata ivhu nezviri pasi paro — toti ndisu tiri kusunda nyika yedu," said the President.

Zimbabwe, President Mugabe said, had many skilled professionals with vast experience in working under white-owned companies who could now spearhead the indigenisation and economic empowerment programme using those skills.

He warned some indigenous farmers who were reportedly leasing farms to white former commercial farmers against such actions, adding that Government would not hesitate to repossess them.

President Mugabe paid tribute to Zimbabweans for showing perseverance during the sanctions-induced economic hardships, which had been afflicting the country. He said Zimbabwe was now poised to come out of the woods and take its position in the world.

Zimbabwe was also starting next January expecting to reap improved financial rewards from the sale of improved quantities of diamonds and other minerals to complement the anticipated improved yields from agriculture produce such as tobacco.

Said President Mugabe: "Ivhu rinoda kuti rishandiswe ndosaka tichirirwira, ndosaka tichitizve masanctions ngaabviswe kuti tikwanise kuronga zvirongwa zvenyika yedu zvakanaka uye ndinovimba gore rino rinoraratidza kuti ticharima chikafu chakakwana chekudya nechekutengesa kunze."

The President said he had launched a US$33 million Presidential Well-wishers’ Fund to assist A1 and vulnerable farmers with farming inputs that would be distributed countrywide through traditional leaders.

He also took a swipe at Finance Minister Tendai Biti for not allocating sufficient resources to support vulnerable and poor farmers, hence the rationale behind the introduction of the Presidential Well-Wishers Fund.

He said the Government would look into problems affecting the sugar industry in Chiredzi where there were reports of some new farmers who were being denied the right to take up their plots.

The President also took the opportunity to hand over 60 tonnes of fertiliser and 60 tonnes of seed maize that will be distributed to poor families in Gutu by traditional leaders.

Earlier on, President Mugabe had paid a courtesy call on Chief Gutu at his homestead where he received a rousing welcome from members of the Madyirapazhe clan who also performed traditional rituals to welcome their muzukuru. The President later planted a Munyii tree at the chief's homestead where he also chronicled the close relationship between the Madyirapazhe family and himself, dating back to his childhood days.

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