
Friday, December 03, 2010

(HERALD) President right on Western hypocrisy

President right on Western hypocrisy

EDITOR — I wish to commend President Mugabe for stating that Zimbabwe and Africa should not be lorded over by Europe, during his address at the Africa-European Union Summit in Libya on Wednesday.

It was also critical that he pointed out the hypocrisy of Europe when it comes to human rights and war crimes as Europe has left self-confessed war criminals Tony Blair, ex-British premier and former American president George W Bush to roam freely.

Iraq and Afghanistan are crying for redress as hundreds of thousands of their people have been killed, maimed, tortured and raped in senseless wars started by these men.

The people of these countries have never known peace and humanity; they have lost dignity and their way of life. The architects of their misery are walking scot-free.

In fact, Bush’s successor Barack Obama despite promising withdrawal of troops in the two countries, has never relented on his predecessor’s criminality.

And what happened to his pledge that he would expeditiously shut the notorious Guantanamo Bay Prison?

Now the same Europe that houses or indulges these criminal figures cries wolf and threatens to boycott AU-EU meeting over Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir’s alleged war crimes.

To them that see no evil of their own he is guilty before even appearing in court, in his country first and foremost.

Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites, I say!

President Mugabe’s observation that Europe was concerned with human rights and democracy when it suits them, especially in trying to coax and coerce small countries, was also pertinent.

This is why western-imposed democracy does not and should not work in Africa.

I am glad that President Mugabe and Zimbabwe have stood up to this.

That is why we heroically resist the Western creation in the MDC and its frontman Morgan Tsvangirai.

After all we know that, as Christopher Dell put it, Tsvangirai will be thrown away, used condom-like when the West has had a dance with him.

Mercy Matapatira.


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