
Monday, December 20, 2010

(HERALD) Writer’s views quite agreeable

Writer’s views quite agreeable

EDITOR — I read with interest Wadzanayi Mhondera’s article headlined "UK asylum seekers hypocrites", in The Herald issue of December 13. I agree with his views in totality. The period from 2000 can be best described as Zimbabwe’s great betrayal. As a Diasporan myself based in the UK, I have often called myself an expatriate. I am neither an asylum seeker nor a refugee.

I got leave to remain without having to concoct hair-raising stories or having to tell immigration officials stories that serve to advance their political agenda.

Because of that I have been told by other Diasporans that my views are influenced by the fact that I have never been in their situation, and they always argue that if I were in their situation, I would have done exactly the same.

I can’t answer that one because sometimes people do not do what they say, or may not be able to do what they say, even if they wanted to.

Those asylum seekers happened to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

The West’s economic sanctions against Zimbabwe were vicious and biting hard back home.

The Diaspora provided some sanctuary but in the Western world, Britain in particular, people have to sell their souls to get that reprieve, that is if they couldn’t fit in any other criteria that would entitle them legal status.

I am not very much incensed by those who just took advantage of the system.

They were in a dilemma, and had to choose between two evils, but they know where they stand, and their views remain objective and not corrupted.

The problem is the lot that has turned to believe its lies.

There was a time when I got angry when it appeared as if it was only President Mugabe arguing the case for Zimbabwe. Maybe others lacked the fora.

Yes, there were some voices like George Shire in London, Reason Wafawarova in Australia to mention just a few, but it looked like some who had the opportunity were shying away, maybe scared of being jeered at.

But can the jeering from some shallow minds be much of a bother? Jesus Christ said, "varegererei havana zvavanoziva".

Diasporans had two evils to chose from, to lie and fend for their families or to face the wrath of the evil sanctions.

Zimbabweans at home were also a great betrayal in the 2008 elections.

They voted with their stomachs.

They lied on the ballot papers with the hope that they would get some relief from the biting sanctions.

They had to choose from two options - selling their souls for a promise or facing the enemy head on and fighting him. But that promise has proved to be "nhava izere mhepo".

Cde Cad Mash.


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