
Saturday, December 18, 2010

(HERALD) Zanu-PF to emerge stronger: Khaya Moyo

Zanu-PF to emerge stronger: Khaya Moyo
By Sydney Kawadza

Zanu-PF will emerge from the 11th National People’s Conference stronger and ready to bury the Western regime change project, party national chairman Cde Simon Khaya Moyo has said.

Cde Khaya Moyo castigated the MDC formations for their lack of ideology and siding with foreign interests to undermine Zimbabwe’s development. He was addressing the opening session of Zanu-PF’s 11th Annual People’s Conference at Marymount Teachers College yesterday morning.

Cde Khaya Moyo described the venue as significant because Manicaland sent many sons and daughters of the soil across the border into Mozambique to join the liberation struggle.

"The choice for Mutare, which is on the border with Mozambique, to host the conference is a powerful reminder of the main objective of our liberation struggle."

Cde Khaya Moyo said the outcome of the constitutional outreach programme showed that Zanu-PF was geared for elections.

"Zanu-PF is on an unstoppable roll and nothing can stop it. It is indeed an unstoppable machine. We have a mission to accomplish. I would like to urge this conference to build on that momentum as we go towards the next general election scheduled for next year.

"We want to bury, once and for all, this Western project called the MDC. We must bury forever this combined British and American non-governmental organisation. For that is what the MDC is."

Cde Khaya Moyo, however, warned that Zanu-PF should remain united to achieve this end. "We should stop the imposition of candidates. There should never be any imposition of candidates and people should be represented by the people who have voted for them. "However, the prospective candidates must also meet the minimum requirements to represent the party."

Cde Khaya Moyo urged the party leadership to remain accountable to the people they represent.

"We must always remember that Government is the product of the party. So the party must lead Government projects…"

In his welcome address Zanu-PF provincial chairman for Manicaland, Cde Mike Madiro, urged Zanu-PF to impose its own sanctions on the West.

"The West has imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe. We need to reciprocate to their sanctions and bar them from coming to Zimbabwe.

"We should also stop them from benefiting from any of our resources," he said. Cde Madiro said Manicaland had learnt from its bad showing in the 2008 elections and promised President Mugabe that next year the province would deliver a resounding victory.

Manicaland Governor and Resident Minister Chris Mushohwe said the province was prepared to take part and benefit from indigenisation and economic empowerment programmes.

He lamented the wanton destruction of forests that are the main industry in the province and called for Government to ensure Manicaland benefits fully from its diamond deposits.

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