
Friday, December 24, 2010

Letters - Land Rights, VP

Land distribution
By Sam
Fri 24 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT


Soon, many Zambians, including our children and, worst of all, our grandchildren, will become tenants in their own country and we will have no say over our land as most, if not all of it, would have been sold to the so-called investors because of the carelessness and greed of our government and chiefs.

It is not a secret that in Zambia today, it is very difficult for a citizen, especially if one is poor, to get even a small piece of land, including traditional land, and yet it is very easy for investors to do so.

This is a time bomb. The MMD and traditional leaders should take deliberate steps to empower every Zambian with a piece of land which should not be resold. This will ensure land security for our future generations.

Unfair distribution of land is one of the causes of xenophobia. We should not be surprised if a few years from now, Zambians become hostile towards these so-called investors.

The current leadership will have abetted this problem despite having had enough time to stop it.


Kunda’s lack of substance
Fri 24 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT


Every time Vice-President Kunda speaks, he reeks of desperation to hold on to power, no different from William Banda.

I wish to put it to Kunda that it’s not his responsibility to lecture us on opposition leaders and why we shouldn't vote for them. Much as we may not all have law degrees, we are fully aware of who to vote for. What we wish to hear from Kunda is how close we are to a developed nation status, a clear plan towards poverty alleviation, first-world-class education and health care, manufacturing sector development, tax relief plan for employees in view of the government’s refusal to tax the mines and so forth, the list is endless.

Kunda should tell the nation in clear detail why we should vote the MMD back into office, not the cheap politics of attacking opposition leaders every time he speaks. Iam sick and tired of Kunda’s statements. For a vice-president, he needs to exude substance.

As Zambians, we need better leadership than these power-hungry, cheap politicians and hoodlums.


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