
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) Zambia remains poor amid economic progress – Prof Seshamani

Zambia remains poor amid economic progress – Prof Seshamani
Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 9:11

A University of Zambia (UNZA) professor says there is need for the government to realize that despite Zambia making economic strides in the past decade, the country remains one of the poorest nations in the world.

Professor Vankentesh Seshamani who is a lecturer in the school of Economics says it is important not to lose sight of the country’s poor status when analyzing public policies especially at a time when the country wants to attain the midEdle income status.

Professor Seshamani says according to the United Nations, Zambia is classified among the least developed nations whose economies are vulnerable in the world.

He says it is not easy for the country to shrug off characteristics of vulnerability adding that this needs concerted efforts and political will from the leadership in graduating Zambia into more than a middle income status nation.

The professor has further said that in the past 15 years, Botswana and Kenya have graduated from least developed countries status adding that Zambia has to aim at achieving genuine development rather than the middle income status.


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