
Thursday, December 02, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai anger over Dell criticism

Tsvangirai anger over Dell criticism
by Staff Reporter/AP
01/12/2010 00:00:00

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party expressed irritation over critical remarks made by the former United States ambassador to Zimbabwe in a secret 2007 cable made public on Monday.

Christopher Dell described the former trade unionist as “a flawed figure, not readily open to advice, indecisive and with questionable judgment in selecting those around him.” The envoy further suggested that Tsvangirai was unfit to govern, although adding that he was “indispensable” as an opposition leader.

Nelson Chamisa, spokesman for Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change party, said Tuesday that Dell was "entitled to his opinion".

He added: "Dell's statement on Tsvangirai’s alleged failings is not the collective opinion of the people of Zimbabwe who will determine the future of this country.”
MDC officials have been stung by Dell’s cable leaked on the whistle blower website, Wikileaks.

Zimbabwe’s state-run media, fiercely loyal to President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF party, seized on the comments to mock Tsvangirai – totally ignoring criticism of the President in Dell’s memo.

Dell’s statement that the MDC was a “partner” in America’s efforts to bring “change” in Zimbabwe “showed the MDC was a mere pawn in the American scheme to direct Zimbabwe's internal affairs”, the state-run Herald newspaper reported.

And addressing reporters on Tuesday, Zanu PF spokesman Rugare Gumbo said the text of Dell’s cable confirmed Washington’s commitment to what he called “a regime change agenda” to oust Mugabe with Tsvangirai as its token figurehead to replace the veteran leader, who has ruled since independence in 1980.

In Dell’s words, Zimbabwe’s former opposition was “far from ideal and with different partners we could have achieved more” to help remove Mugabe.

The current United States ambassador, Charles Ray, said in a statement Tuesday lives could be endangered in Zimbabwe and other troubled nations if Wikileaks identifies human rights and other activists who gave their “candid insights” to U.S diplomats.

Ray said revealing such identities could lead to “imprisonment, torture, even death” in nations with a record of rights abuse such as Zimbabwe.

“The United States government is committed to maintaining the security of our diplomatic communications. We will continue to work to strengthen our partnership with the people of Zimbabwe and make progress on the issues that are important for our two countries. We can’t afford anything less,” Ray said.

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