Sunday, December 26, 2010

PS urges NGOs to be accountable

PS urges NGOs to be accountable
By Sandra Lombe in Kazungula
Sun 26 Dec. 2010, 04:00 CAT

NGOs should be accountable and transparent in utilising donor money, says Southern Province permanent secretary Gladys Kristafor. And Care International - Zambia southern region programme director Henry Loongo said the organisation was accountable and transparent.

In an interview with journalists after a three-day inspection and commissioning of Care/ USAID projects in Kalomo and Kazungula, Kristafor said she was impressed with the projects and programmes as they were uplifting people’s lives.

Among the projects inspected and commissioned include in Kalomo Kasizi and Kanchele dip tanks, Moonde and Dimbwe Rural health centres and Siabalumbi health post.
Others are Milangu dam; Simango and Makowa dip tanks in Kazungula.
“NGOs are using tax payer’s money and tax money should be accounted for. There is no way one can get money and can’t say where they are getting it from and what they are using it for,” she said.
“Care is transparent... we do have some NGOs which are ok. I support the NGO act.”

Kristafor said there was food security in the province and was happy partners were teaching people food security and how to value food and nutrition.

On the accessibility of ARVs in rural areas especially that in some cases health centres were far, Kristafor said the government had put in measures to ensure that people who needed drugs accessed them.

“That’s why we are looking at Mobile clinics. We must support good programmes. Let’s support mobile hospitals,” she said.

She said people could get to central places were mobile hospitals would stop and easily access drugs.

However, she said it was better to put long-term structures.
“But where is the money going to come from now? The Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) emphasis is on infrastructure- for long-term and development infrastructure. Sometimes we have to look at handouts as a measure,” she said.
And Loongo said accountability was very important aspect for any organisation and institution.

“We have a very strong system on how funds are utilised. Our level of system is high and ways to check anyone can come and check,” he said.

He said their projects were sustainable even after some programmes phased out.

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