
Friday, December 03, 2010

(STICKY) Zambia to become EITI compliant

Zambia to become EITI compliant
By Kabanda Chulu in Kitwe
Thu 02 Dec. 2010, 03:59 CAT

ZAMBIA is expected to become an Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative compliant country by May 2011 if the first EITI report to be based on 2008 audited accounts is completed by February 2011.

The main objective of attaining EITI status is to publish what mining companies pay to government agencies and at the same time to publish what government agencies receive as revenue from mining companies.

During the capacity building and training workshop for mining companies and government agencies involved in the EITI process in Zambia, mines permanent secretary Godwin Beene said in Chingola that there was need for transparency so that people can see apparent benefits from the country’s natural resources.

“Consultants, Price-waterhouse Coopers has been contracted to prepare Zambia’s EITI report and the data on payments and revenues for mining companies and government agencies respectively will be collected by the consultant using a template which has been developed for this purpose and it is expected that this information should be readily available.”

Several mining companies, civil society organisations and government agencies such as municipal councils and the revenue authority attended the workshop.

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