
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tribalism divides MMD in E/Province

Tribalism divides MMD in E/Province
By George Chellah
Sat 25 Dec. 2010, 04:02 CAT

STATE House has been linked to tribal campaigns ahead of the MMD Eastern province conference early next year.

Well-placed sources within the MMD provincial executive committee disclosed that the campaigns for the provincial chairmanship between incumbent Kennedy Zulu and Chilufya Chishala were seriously dividing the party.

“There is a big problem here and this problem can be largely blamed on State House and the President in particular. When we told our leaders in Lusaka last time that Kennedy is not wanted here they thought we were joking but as we draw near the provincial conference the picture of what will happen is getting clearer,” the sources said.

“It has turned out that despite attempts by State House to force Kennedy on the membership in the province, people don’t want him. Chishala is the preferred person for the chairmanship. We told the President last time that if he insists on Kennedy he will split the party and this is what is happening right now.”

The sources said it was regrettable that some senior MMD officials want Chishala not to be elected as provincial chairperson on account of his ethnicity.

“So far we know two ministers who are also senior officials that have been campaigning on tribal line. They are telling people that Chishala should not be allowed to scoop the provincial chairmanship because he is not from Eastern Province. This is embarrassing for the party and the country. Why are people making Chishala’s candidature an issue when it has happened in Eastern Province before when we had Potipher Chungu as MMD chairperson?” asked the source.

“The sad part is even State House seems to have endorsed or embraced that ancient line of thought. We know that State House issued instructions through the provincial administration to order the district commissioners in all districts and the message was ‘sitifuna muntu wamutundu’. How can we allow such politics for Christ’s sake? Where is leadership here?”

The sources said about seven districts with an exception of Chipata were backing Chishala’s candidature.

“Everybody knows that Kennedy is the President’s blue eyed boy. The party members are saying we would rather have our mbuya tribal cousin as chairman than Kennedy,” the source said.

The source disclosed that defence minister Dr Kalombo Mwansa traveled to Eastern Province on Thursday to access the situation.

“Dr Mwansa has been sent on a fact finding mission. He is here to find out on who is the suitable candidate for the chairmanship in Eastern Province,” the source said.

“We are told Dr Mwansa intends to meet all district and provincial executive committee officials in Chipata. We are told the President sent him. We will meet him and tell him the truth.”

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