
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

‘Youths must participate in politics’

‘Youths must participate in politics’
By Salim Dawood
Mon 13 Dec. 2010, 04:01 CAT

YOUTHS must participate in politics to strengthen democracy and good governance, according to the Commonwealth Secretariat.

In a keynote address during the youth indaba at Lusaka’s Mulungushi International Conference Centre on Friday, Commonwealth Secretariat regional director James Odit said youths made up the large part of most African populations and therefore engaging them through dialogue would add value to democracy and development.

“Youth political participation would strengthen good governance and democracy. Through your participation, you will in addition contribute to building of peace and positive values in society, a just and equitable society, national prosperity and reduction in unemployment among others,” Odit said.

And sports, youth and child development minister Kenneth Chipungu said youths were critical in promoting peace and security as the country prepared for general elections next year.

He said the youth indaba underscored the need to build space for cooperation and strengthen mutual understanding and respect among political players and stakeholders.

Chipungu said dialogue could diffuse tensions, keep situations from escalating and promote reconciliation in the aftermath of conflict elections.

“At a time when political prejudice and hatred are there all common, when political extremists and opportunists seek new recruits through incitement and identity-based appeals, when politicians use divisiveness as a strategy to win elections, dialogue can be an antidote,” Chipungu said.

Meanwhile, one of the youths at the indaba said the event would be a meaningless exercise if what would be discussed would not be implemented.

Bertha Kalongwa said young people were tired of being invited for discussions that did not yield positive results.

She said a lot of areas including learning infrastructure in tertiary institutions and youth entrepreneurship needed more than just meeting and discussing what would never be implemented.

Kalongwa said young people needed to be included in all stages of the decision-making process because they were the majority.

“In a democratic dispensation, it’s the majority that win. So in this case, we are the majority and it’s only prudent that we rule. As youths, we have become organised, we will not re-elect or vote for any leader that does not want to work with the youth,” warned Kalongwa in a vote of thanks.

Hundreds of youths converged for the indaba under the theme ‘Let the youth be heard, dialogue and mutual understanding’.

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