
Thursday, December 09, 2010

‘Zambians feel cheated over constitution’

COMMENT - Like the previous story on the nationalisation of mr. Rajan Mahtani's Finance Bank, this is about the monopolisation of power, which to the MMD is a greter good than their alleged loyalty to neoliberal ideology. People want a 50+ 1 law in the constitution, but they can't have it because it makes an MMD victory less likely. George Kunda practically directed the NCC process - how is this representing the people's will? It isn't. It is about ensuring continued MMD rule. Privatisation is about increasing MMD finances. Nationalisation is about taking out MMD opponents and their financing. There is no economic ideology involved, but it has real economic consequences. Minister Musokotwane was correct when he said that the current system would not dent poverty 'for another 30 years'. He might as well have said 100 years. This has to change.

‘Zambians feel cheated over constitution’
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Thu 09 Dec. 2010, 04:01 CAT

ZAMBIANS feel cheated over the government’s manipulation of the Constitution, says Engwase Mwale.

Commenting on the government’s decision to exclude from the new Constitution important clauses like the 50 per cent plus one, Mwale, the NGOCC executive director, said the government had not been honest in its handling of the constitution.

Mwale said Zambia had missed an opportunity to have a constitution that would render the elections credible.

She said it was unfortunate that a few selfish individuals had taken the country backwards by ensuring that the most fundamental principles of the constitution were left out.

Mwale said the exclusion of the 50 per cent plus one threshold, among other clauses, was a direct infringement on the rights of citizens to express themselves by choosing a leader. She said the government should rethink its position on the 50 per cent plus one clause.

“The 50 per cent plus one is important because it legitimises the office of the President because we cannot have a country being led by a minority President,” said Mwale.

Recently, Vice-President George Kunda announced that the government would enact the new constitution excluding all the clauses that the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) had referred to the referendum.

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