
Sunday, December 26, 2010

(ZIMPAPERS) Govt gets tough on WikiLeaks

Govt gets tough on WikiLeaks
Friday, 24 December 2010 19:51
Herald Reporter

Government will soon set up a commission of inquiry to investigate any constitutional violation arising from Wikileaks reports, Attorney-General Mr Johannes Tomana has said.

The United States recently added Mr Tomana’s name on the list of people on sanctions but the AG described the listing as an attack on the AG’s Office and nothing against his persona.

The whistle-blower website has over the past weeks released cables with US classified information on Zimbabwe quoting several Zimbabweans who could have undermined the country’s security.

The documents have also revealed the United States and Britain’s concerted efforts to undermine Zimbabwe’s sovereignty, subvert the gains of the liberation struggle while trying, though in vain, to effect their regime change agenda.

Addressing journalists in Harare yesterday, Mr Tomana said a team of five law experts would soon establish whether there was any constitutional infringement in the WikiLeaks reports.

Government, Mr Tomana said, would take action guided by the findings of that team.

“The issue to do with WikiLeaks attracts a conclusion that we have a serious subversion of the law and constitutional protection of the people of Zimbabwe they are entitled to.

“The WikiLeaks appear to show a treasonous collusion between local Zimbabweans and the aggressive international world, particularly the United States.

“It has become incumbent upon me that I should take a formal position after the events of Tuesday that the Constitution of Zimbabwe is under attack after America imposed sanctions on the Office of the Attorney-General.

“Those sanctions are not affecting the person of Johannes Tomana but the office of the AG.

“With immediate effect, I am going to instruct a team of practising lawyers to look into the issues that arise from the Wikileaks.

“They are going to make recommendations and I will give them a time frame. I want to assure the nation that action will be taken,” he said.

Mr Tomana said prosecution of culprits — if any — would follow real damage that could be established.

He said the illegal Western sanctions were not targeted on individuals as purported by the Western Press.

“The people on sanctions do not go out there to do their personal business, so I don’t take it personally but it is the office of the people that is under attack.

“Furthermore, our constitutional capacity to defend ourselves has been weakened and this shows that the Constitution is under serious attack,” he said.

In one of the cables former US ambassador to Zimbabwe Christopher Dell appeared to confirm that his government was working with the MDC-T to effect illegal regime change.

He, however, lamented the failed efforts, saying the West was working with a “weak” and “inept” leadership in the MDC-T.

MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai calls for more sanctions on Zimbabwe, according to the WikiLeaks, as a way to effect regime change.

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