
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ensure free, fair polls, Sata urges Rupiah

Ensure free, fair polls, Sata urges Rupiah
By George Chellah
Sun 16 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MICHAEL Sata has urged President Rupiah Banda to facilitate a free and fair election process this year.

In a letter to President Banda dated January 3, 2011, Sata stated the need for political players to commit themselves to creating an environment of social justice, peace and reconciliation in order to facilitate a free and fair election process.

"As head of state and government, I implore you to assure our people that the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and other related government institutions shall not be allowed to pay lip-service to the principles of democracy and transparency but shall endeavour to win the confidence of all stakeholders and other participants in the 2011 presidential and general elections," Sata stated.

"In this respect, I wish to bring to your attention the following areas of concern going by the experience of the past elections: (i) the delay in the printing and verification of the voters' roll by the ECZ, (ii) the lack of transparency in the process related to the printing of ballot papers, the tender process and the award thereof, (iii) the use of suspicious government institutions or agencies in the transportation of ballot papers to and from some constituencies or districts.

"(iv) the lack of constant flow of information from the ECZ to the stakeholders or lack of consultation on issues of common interest, (v) the short notice given by ECZ for meetings on some crucial matters which require consensus with stakeholders, (vi) the secrecy surrounding the announcement of the election date with the intention of catching political parties and other stakeholders unawares, (vii) the unexplained delay or withholding of results from some constituencies by the ECZ during the process of the announcement of results and, (viii) the complete disregard of the electoral code of conduct by government officers and ministers during the elections."

Sata stated that it was his hope and prayer that the government would cultivate the spirit and environment in the nation of a democratic and free and fair elections.

And Sata thanked President Banda and the government for his wife, Dr Christine Kaseba's recent treatment in South Africa.

"My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to you Your Excellency and the government including the staff at the Zambian High Commission in South Africa for the consideration, compassion and care extended to my wife during the period of her illness and stay at Milpark hospital. I am indeed pleased to see that my wife's life was saved due to the government's prompt action to evacuate her," he stated.

He also emphasised to President Banda his long held view about access to specialist treatment abroad.
He stated that the government must invest in health both in terms of human capital and equipment so that access to specialist treatment does not continue being a preserve of the privileged few in the country.

"It is therefore, my considered view Your Excellency that health care must become a human right by law for our people and not a privilege after 46 years of independence," stated Sata.

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