
Saturday, January 22, 2011

‘Govt should not override the needs of Zambians’

‘Govt should not override the needs of Zambians’
By Kombe Chimpinde in Mazabuka
Sat 22 Jan. 2011, 03:59 CAT

SOME Mazabuka residents say the Mung’omba draft report is the only legitimate document that should be adopted as the constitution of Zambia.

During a meeting convened by Citizens Forum at Mazabuka’s Nchete House, the residents said the current NCC draft constitution did not reflect their wishes that they submitted in the Mung’omba draft report during the review of the Constitution in 2003.

Addressing residents, area development committee chairman Amos Chombege warned that the government would not be allowed to override the needs of Zambians.

They should not take Zambians for granted. You saw what happened in Tunisia. The President and ministers must bear in mind that they are servants of the people. They are there because of our votes and taxpayers money and so they must listen to our demands when we say we want a new constitution that reflects the wishes of Zambia,” he said.

Chombege listed the social, cultural and economic rights, the 50 per cent plus one, appointment of cabinet ministers from outside the party and swearing of a presidential candidate after 90 days as some of the laws recommended in the Mung’omba draft but scrapped off in the NCC draft report.

He said that the government would only be compelled to serious provision of social and economic rights and proper governance of Zambians if they were enshrined in the constitution.

“This government has said that it is not possible to enshrine a law to provide social rights to all Zambians. But look at how money is spent when there are by-elections.

The reason is simple; by-elections are provided for in the constitution and it is mandatory for the government to look for funds to hold an election. So if these social rights are included, government will be mandated to provide social services to all Zambians,” he said.

Chombege called on Zambians to remain steadfast in their demands for a new constitution and not be hoodwinked by the government.

And Citizens Forum Mazabuka chapter coordinator Joseph Mfula said a people-anchored constitution was imperative as it was a guiding principle of any nation.

“When you talk about the governance of the country you need to have proper guidelines enshrined in the constitution. Zambia’s governance system is flawed because there was lack of proper guidelines in the Constitution that suits the wishes of the MMD and not the people who form the government,” said Mfula.

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