
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Handle Barotse issue sensibly - Fr Luonde

Handle Barotse issue sensibly - Fr Luonde
By Darious Kapembwa in Kitwe
Sat 22 Jan. 2011, 04:02 CAT

THE country’s law enforcement agencies must handle the issues surrounding the Barotseland Agreement level-headedly, says Fr Richard Luonde.

And Fr Luonde says the dirty marriage between President Rupiah Banda’s MMD and Frederick Chiluba remains a big threat to the dispensation of criminal justice in the country.

Commenting on the recent fracas in Mongu between police and irate residents which left two people dead and several injured, Fr Luonde, an Anglican priest based in Kitwe, said problems surrounding the Barotseland Agreement risked growing to unmanageable levels if the country’s law enforcement agencies did not handle them well.

“It is saddening that an issue that was signed 47 years ago could erupt with such force now. I only appeal to the law enforcement agencies to handle the issue level-headedly. If law enforcement agencies begin to use underhand methods to resolve this issue, I foresee this problem growing to unmanageable levels,” Fr Luonde said in an interview. “Already, lives have been lost. It’s a sign that the worst can happen if the issue continues to be mishandled. This thing will be injurious.”

Fr Luonde said all stakeholders needed to sit and find ways to resolve the problem as opposed to resorting to arresting people indiscriminately.

He said the Barotseland Agreement should not be used to silence selected institutions and individuals.
Fr Luonde said arresting journalists who were informing the nation about the issues in Western Province was not a solution to the Barosteland Agreement crisis.

He demanded that the charges against Post journalist Mwala Kalaluka who was arrested for talking on the phone about the current affairs in Mongu be dropped.

Fr Luonde said journalists were part of the solution in the matter because they provided people with valuable information that could be useful to resolving the crisis.

Kalaluka was arrested on Monday in Kabwe following a phone conversation he had while on a bus to Kabwe and subsequently charged with seditious intention.

On Thursday, chief government spokesperson Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha condemned what he called suggestions that it was targeting and victimising Lozis in the arrest of people suspected to be involved in calls for secession.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha said The Post's headline of Thursday "23 Lozis face treason" was calculated to incite ethnic hatred.

He said the headline insinuated that other ethnic groups were against Lozis.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha said the people of Western Province like other 72 ethnic groups were citizens of Zambia and it was inappropriate for the newspaper to refer to the 23 people charged as Lozis
He said Zambia had since 1964 enjoyed peace and unity as one nation in line with the ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ motto.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha said only people who were not peace loving would advocate secession through cheap tactics.

"Government wishes to state its unequivocal stand and commitment towards maintaining Zambia as one nation. The territorial integrity of the country is non-negotiable," Lt Gen Shikapwasha said.

He said the government had the duty to protect its citizens and property and would not be distracted from carrying out its duty.

"As for the media the government will continue to respect and protect their role of promoting peace, unity, oneness, stability and development among all the citizens," he said.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha said in performing this duty the media should always be conscious of their responsibilities and the importance of unity.

And reacting to MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga who castigated and described him as a liar for saying President Banda’s alliance with former president Chiluba would destroy the nation, Fr Luonde advised Mabenga not to take people for granted.

“Who is telling a lie between Mabenga and myself? He is the one cheating Zambians by parading people that looted their resources as saints and making them campaign managers, not me. What I am doing is to ensure that people of Zambia know the truth about who is betraying them and who is with them,” Fr Luonde said.

He said Mabenga was the one accused of allegedly stealing Constituency Development Funds and faced the boot in late Levy Mwanawasa’s administration.

“Even if he calls me a liar, I will continue to strongly highlight these issues to prepare people’s minds as they go to cast their votes this year. If it is me telling lies and he is telling the truth, the people of Zambia will speak through the ballot. Let’s wait and see,” Fr he said.

Fr Luonde said Zambians must take stock of what is happening in the country so that they know who to kick out during the coming elections.

During President Banda’s visit to Luapula Province to open the provincial conference, Mabenga castigated Fr Luonde for saying that President Banda’s alliance with Chiluba would destroy Zambia.

“What alliance is he talking about because it is a big lie since both President Banda and Chiluba are MMD and we shall never shun Chiluba,” said Mabenga.

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