
Monday, January 10, 2011

(HERALD) Council starts slashing maize

Council starts slashing maize
Herald Reporter
Sunday, 09 January 2011 20:23

HARARE City Council has started slashing maize planted in undesignated areas across the city. Council last week slashed maize that was nearing tasselling stage in parts of Kuwadzana, leaving residents crying over time and resources wasted.

City authorities, however, defended the move saying the maize had been planted on undesignated areas and was posing a threat to the public as thieves and robbers took advantage of the foliage. Areas that had maize slashed include the open space between Kuwadzana 2 Shopping Centre and the main road leading into the suburb from High Glen Road and between the park and library near Kuwadzana 4 Shopping Centre.

Residents who spoke to The Herald expressed mixed reactions to the cutting with one group castigating city fathers and the other welcoming the move.

“We have poured a lot of resources into these little fields in a bid to augment our incomes. Things are tough and we desperately need grain from these little fields.

“Council should understand our plight because we are not cultivating these open spaces in defiance of council by-laws but out of need,” said Mrs Charity Katuruza, one of the affected residents.

Another one said: “This is what I use to feed my children but the council has decided to starve them. What is confusing is that while Government is promoting urban agriculture council is slashing our maize.”

Mr Charles Chiunda welcomed the move saying muggings had increased in the area as robbers were hiding in the maize fields.

“Muggings have increased in the area and we welcome the clearing of the area. This place is used by a lot of pedestrians connecting to the main road and sections of the suburbs. Every year people fall prey to robbers who hide in the maize fields.

“Only last year a man was found dead in this maize field after being attacked by muggers. The man had disembarked a kombi coming from town. Those who want to plant crops should go to the rural areas and farms or find suitable places,” he said.

Council spokesperson Mr Leslie Gwindi said Harare had designated areas for farming and residents should plant in those areas only.

“We do not allow cultivation everywhere as we have designated areas for such activities. Unfortunately they are few and we have left people to grow maize on some open places on humanitarian grounds.

“People need to understand this, the fact that council has left people to plant on undesignated areas does not mean it is legal. The council only cuts the maize if the crop is posing a danger to public safety, health or obstructing road users.

“In the case of Kuwadzana, if someone was murdered in the area the council has no option but to cut the maize,” he said.

Mr Gwindi said council was not against urban farming saying it should, however, be done only in designated places.

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