
Monday, January 24, 2011

If there is will, Judiciary can achieve autonomy - Mulafulafu

If there is will, Judiciary can achieve autonomy - Mulafulafu
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Mon 24 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE autonomy of the Judiciary can only be achieved if there is willingness to promote it, says Sam Mulafulafu. In an interview, Mulafulafu who is the executive director of Caritas Zambia said there were many factors at play that were interfering in the independence of the Judiciary.

“Even if the Judiciary is funded properly and given the security of tenure of the judges and magistrates, the judges and magistrates themselves must have the willingness to promote autonomy. They must have the personal integrity to believe in the autonomy of the Judiciary,” he said.

He said even though underfunding of the Judiciary compromises the independence of the institution, there was no guarantee that giving them all the money needed would guarantee autonomy because of the various issues at play.

Mulafulafu emphasised need to enhance the levels of autonomy of the Judiciary.

Former State House special assistant for policy implementation and monitoring Jack Kalala on Monday said the Judiciary was being used and should not take people for granted.

Kalala advised the Judiciary not to use court privileges to frustrate free expression in the country and defend their bad decisions.

Kalala’s comments come after the Judiciary descried The Post’s story on a company registered in Panama - Tedworth Properties Incorporated - which Frederick Chiluba used to acquire properties in Lusaka as very malicious, contemptuous and pre-judicial.

Chief Justice Ernest Sakala recently said access to justice was costly and that the Judiciary was underfunded.

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