
Friday, January 14, 2011

Inaction against violence worries Kabanda

Inaction against violence worries Kabanda
By Roy Habaalu
Fri 14 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

VIOLENCE is not likely to come to an end because political leaders are not taking action against culprits, says Simon Kabanda. In an interview, Kabanda, who is executive secretary for the Citizens Forum, said some politicians believed that they could only win an election through violence. He said those who were known to be violent should be expelled from their parties.

“We have not heard of any political leader, especially the MMD, disciplining anyone involved in violence. The MMD has not expelled those who have proved to be violent,” Kabanda said.

Kabanda said it was shameful that violent MMD members were being promoted to higher offices.

He said as a result of accommodating brutal people, the country would lose an opportunity to end violence.

He said it was not enough for President Banda to condemn violence at airports and rallies.

“We have seen that violent cadres from the MMD have not been disciplined or arrested. They boast that ‘boma ni boma’ government is government. We have seen that violent people in MMD have been given high positions and task forces are being created for them,” he said.

He said the President had a big role to play in ending violence.

He said the police should not wait for the President to issue instructions for them to act.

Kabanda said the police should be seen to be firm in dealing with violent politicians regardless of their affiliation.

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