
Saturday, January 01, 2011

It’s a big relief - Sata

COMMENT - At the same time, let's spare a thought for all the people who are not so fortunate to be flown out to South Africa for treatment. Let this be a reinvigoration of the goal to get outstanding medical treatment to all Zambians. And let's start doing so by getting all the money due to us from the mines.

It’s a big relief - Sata
By George Chellah
Sat 01 Jan. 2011, 04:02 CAT

It’s a big relief that my wife has been discharged from hospital, says PF leader Michael Sata. And Sata has said he is coming back home to face Vice-President George Kunda and his MMD minions head on.

In a telephone interview from South Africa, Sata said his wife Dr Christine Kaseba, who recently suffered a heart attack, was discharged on Thursday. “My wife has been discharged today Thursday. She went to the hospital and the doctors have finally discharged her, this is a big relief to me,” Sata said.

Sata said Dr Kaseba who was discharged on Thursday would return to South Africa for review in three months time. He thanked the Zambians for standing with him in prayer during this period.

“I greatly appreciate the support that was extended to my family during this moment. A lot of people from Zambia were phoning to encourage us,” Sata said.

“I would also like to thank people who came here to see my wife like Mr Alexander Chikwanda, Kasama Central PF member of parliament GBM Geofrey Bwalya Mwamba, Ndola Central PF member of parliament Mr Mark Mushili and others. I must also mention that the High Commissioner and staff at the High Commission did a commendable job during our stay here.”

And the PF leader said he would soon be returning home to face Vice-President Kunda.

“Tell George Kunda and his MMD minions that I am coming back home to face him. I am coming back so that we can face each other head on with George Kunda,” Sata said.

“So you tell Kunda and all those surrogates who have been celebrating the sickness of wife with him that now that my wife has been discharged I am coming back for an head on collision with Kunda.”

Sata said he had been following the events home.

“I have been reading what’s happening back home through the Post Online, so I am informed on most issues that have been happening whilst I am away nursing my wife. I noticed that George Kunda has gone on a rampage to attack, malign and defame me,” Sata said.

“I noticed that George Kunda has been trying so had to mislead the public about me on a number of issues. So I am returning to sort him George Kunda out and the libelous statements he has been issuing about me in my absence. You tell him that I am coming.”

He said Vice-President Kunda’s conduct was a clear case of cowardice.

“George Kunda knows that he can’t say those things whilst I am in the country. No wonder he took advantage of my absence due to my wife’s sudden illness to peddle falsehoods about me,” Sata said.

“You tell George Kunda that my wife is very fit now. God willing she will even be able to attend to her patients in a week’s time at UTH.”

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