
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

‘It’s unfair to bar people contesting MMD presidency’

‘It’s unfair to bar people contesting MMD presidency’
By Sandra Lombe in Livingstone
Wed 12 Jan. 2011, 04:00 CAT

IT will be unfair to bar people wishing to contest the MMD presidency and vice-presidency, says local government minister Dr Brian Chituwo. In an interview last Thursday, Dr Chituwo said MMD members should be allowed to contest whatever positions they wished for because they had the right to do so.

Dr Chituwo, who is Mumbwa Central parliamentarian, said democracy should be allowed to prevail during the MMD national convention.

“It is not in our party constitution that the president should not be challenged. Our constitution states that every member has a right to elect and be elected. People should stand,” Dr Chituwo said. “Our constitution does not bar anyone from offering their services. Those wishing to do so, let them do so and challenge.”

Dr Chituwo said previously, party presidents had been challenged at the national convention.

“It’s healthy to challenge and it’s democracy,” he said.

He said he would re-contest the position of MMD chairman for health, which he currently held because he was still youthful and energetic.

“If anyone wants to challenge me... democracy allows people to be challenged. If I lose, the people have decided,” he said.

Dr Chituwo said he would love to be adopted to re-contest his seat to enable him to complete the works he had embarked on with his team.

He said MMD was doing well in Mumbwa.

“I want to stand because I have created a very solid team and the team will accelerate development. There is need to be part of the team. The opposition is trying their luck. As things are now, they have to work harder,” he said.

Dr Chituwo said he was a very young man and would retire in 2016.

“We never know. There’s life after being an MP and a minister,” said Dr Chituwo.
The MMD is this year expected to hold its national convention, and several people have expressed interest to contest party positions.

The NEC last year adopted President Rupiah Banda as the sole candidate at the national convention and all the provincial party committees endorsed the decision.

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