
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

KK can assist us on the Barotse issue - Rev Mutale

KK can assist us on the Barotse issue - Rev Mutale
By Ernest Chanda
Wed 12 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MINUTES of the 1992 Cabinet meeting on the Barotseland issue should be released to the public so that we know what everyone's contribution was, says a Lusaka clergy.

Giving her personal opinion on the current debate concerning the 1964 Barotseland Agreement, Reverend Edith Mutale said it was not fair to single out an individual when Cabinet decisions were made on a collective basis. She said there was no way one person could constitute the entire cabinet and make decisions on behalf of the nation.

"Where was the president at the time who was also the chairman of these cabinet meetings? Where was the Secretary to the Cabinet, and what did the Attorney General contribute to the matter as chief legal adviser to the government? What about the other ministers, what did they say about the issue? I think those minutes should be released to us so that we can know and understand what each one of them said and judge them well," she said.

Rev Mutale said it was a shame that releasing Cabinet documents targeting an individual politician had now become a norm in the country.

She said the amount of hate being exhibited towards PF leader Michael Sata had the potential to breed chaos.

Rev Mutale said Sata could not be singled out without telling the nation what he exactly contributed to the meeting.

"When government releases information targeting an individual then they are inciting people against that individual. Let them tell us what ba Sata said in that meeting. This is a decision that was made on a collective basis. Whether you agree or you don't, at the end of the day you are included in the final decision. Since we still have Dr Kaunda our first president still alive, I think we can ask him to assist us on the Barotse issue," said Rev Mutale.

Mumbi said on Sunday that Sata was in the committee of eight ministers who concluded that the agreement was stale and illegal.

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