
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Letters - MMD cadres’ stealing of food at convention

MMD cadres’ stealing of food at convention
By Lungu HK
Sat 15 Jan. 2011, 04:00 CAT


I refer to the story that appeared in the post of january 12, 2011 headlined ‘cadres steal food at MMD conference’.

My question is, what makes one to steal things like food? It’s a simple thing to understand, it is as a result of lacking food in the house or money to buy food and provide for one’s family.

The action by MMD cadres is an indication that something is wrong in the MMD government.

The MMD has been boasting of great achievements like job creation and bumper harvest, to mention only a few.

Honestly, can cadres be forced to steal food in a country where they are able to find employment and where prices of mealie-meal have been reduced as a result of bumper harvest?

This event should make every member of MMD start telling the truth and accept failures, unlike what even Rupiah Banda is doing, telling lies that they are building roads.

This was his speech on the January 11, 2011 at the airport in Solwezi while addressing MMD officials and cadres.

One day Rupiah should travel on one of the roads in Ndola like Commando Road from Kabwe road.

This road that passes through Mushili Kansengu up to Commando, Kalewa road is full of potholes.

Also, the road going to Chondwe prison is almost impassable. So where are Rupiah’s achievements?

Lungu HK,


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