
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Maamba demands real issues from Kunda

Maamba demands real issues from Kunda
By George Zulu in Maamba
Sat 15 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MAAMBA residents on Friday demanded that Vice-President George Kunda address real issues affecting their wellbeing as opposed to preaching tribalism.

During a rally at Kanzinze grounds, the residents made running commentaries as Vice-President Kunda (right) talked about PF leader Michael Sata and the UPND-PF pact. Vice-President Kunda described Sata as a tribalist who did not believe in the One Zambia, One Nation and could not unite the country.

“Don’t allow Cobra Sata … to cheat you that they will unite this nation. Where have you seen Sata working with other tribes? This man has hatred for Tongas. He cannot work with you Tongas. He is a tribalist,” Vice-President Kunda said.

As Vice-President Kunda said this, some residents were heard saying the Vice-President was instead promoting tribalism.

One of the residents, from the crowd, demanded that Vice-President Kunda explain the unfair retrenchment of workers at Maamba Coal Mine and the package instead of talking about Kariba North Bank, which was of no interest to them.

“Let him tell us what will happen to the retrenched miners. Let him tell us what government will do about the looming displacement of the people because of the planned construction of a water pipe from Kariba to Maamba by Bharati investors not shouting and insulting Sata…,” another resident said.

The shouts from the crowd caused panic among security personnel and police started trying to identify the culprits.

However, Vice-President Kunda said the MMD would rehabilitate the Bottom Road because it was important.

Earlier, former Namwala District commissioner Eunice Nawa, Mbabala MMD Constituency chairman Chileshe Mwamba, former Sinazongwe MMD District chairman Foster Siapwaya, Kazungula MMD chairperson Malumo and other branch and ward officials were forced out of the meeting at Izuma Lodge on the basis that they were Bemba and Lozi.

Sinazongwe District MMD chairman Dodo Sindaza directed that all those who do not hail from the province should not attend the meeting with the Vice-President.
Sindaza ordered his youth wing not to allow anyone not in support of the sole candidature of Vice-President Kunda and President Rupiah Banda.

The officials said President Banda should not allow tribalism, which the party would not handle.

However, the officials who were barred from entering the closed-door meeting, said Vice-President Kunda had messed up the 2011 presidential campaigns for President Banda by promoting lawlessness, hatred and tribalism.

“We are very surprised that we have been stopped from entering the meeting on the basis that we are not Tongas and we don’t hail from here,” said the one of the angry officials.

One of the officials, Mwamba refused to comment on the matter, saying only God and time would tell the conduct of party officials.

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