
Monday, January 31, 2011

MMD is on the deathbed – Inonge

MMD is on the deathbed – Inonge
By Darious Kapembwa in Kitwe
Mon 31 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

MMD is on the deathbed, says Patriotic Front national chairperson Inonge Wina.

In an interview on Saturday before she addressed PF women in Chililabombwe, Wina said that when one saw the MMD panicking so much to an extent of buying defections, it meant its life had come to an end. She said it was the more reason why credible women like Judith Kapijimpanga had left the MMD to join PF.

“Men and women of integrity within MMD have seen that PF is a government in-waiting. In a few months, we will form government and teach MMD how the poor people should be taken care of instead of taking advantage of people’s poverty to buy their votes at the last minute,” she said.

Wina said women of integrity could not abandon the ideals of speaking for the poor simply because they were offered money by the MMD.

And addressing the women, Wina called for an independent audit of disbursement of funds meant for women empowerment programmes. She said it was sad to learn that PF women were being excluded from the so-called empowerment funds.

“Right now there is a lot of discrimination in the disbursement of these funds and I don’t know who we can call upon to audit these activities because we know you, as PF women, you’re being discriminated. But don’t worry, just be steadfast. Time is near when genuine poor people will be receiving these monies and loans because that is what PF and Mr. Sata stand for; the poor are priority number one,” said Wina.

She urged women countrywide to stand firm and follow the party that they genuinely believed would liberate them from the shackles of MMD's poverty.

In apparent reference to PF women ‘rebel’ members of parliament, Wina said some women in PF pretended that they believed in the ideals that PF stood for but betrayed their own beliefs when money was laid in their faces in the name of supporting a national cause.

She said a party that used money to lure women was a party on a dying bed that had no programme for the poor.

She urged women to genuinely compete with men in aspiring for higher leadership positions.

“Consider the sufferings you are going through. Salvation does not lie in the money that MMD is giving you. Salvation lies in being faithful and genuine to the party that will bring the change that will respect all humanity and PF, Mr Sata in particular, is bringing that change,” said Wina.

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