
Wednesday, January 05, 2011

MMD won’t get away with corruption, warns Lubinda

MMD won’t get away with corruption, warns Lubinda
By Florence Bupe
Wed 05 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

THE MMD should not relax and think they have managed to loosen the law against corruption, says Given Lubinda.

In an interview, Lubinda, who is Patriotic Front (PF) spokesperson and Kabwata parliamentarian, said officials serving in the current government should not think they would get away with corrupt practices after removing the abuse of office clause from the ACC Act.

“If they MMD officials think they will go scott free, I’m afraid to inform them that they will not get away with it. We will ensure that we look at other laws such as the law on tax evasion to make these people account for their wealth,” Lubinda said.

He said patriotic Zambians should not rest until officials with corrupt tendencies were prosecuted, with or without the abuse of office clause.

Lubinda said the removal of the abuse of office clause from the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) Act was the only issue President Rupiah Banda and his Cabinet had managed ‘effectively’ in the negative sense.

“President Banda has already assented to the amendment of the law against corruption and the abuse of office clause is a foregone matter. This matter has been dealt with effectively by President Banda and his government,” Lubinda said.

“We will not get back this piece of legislation for as long as RB remains President, it is lost.”

Lubinda said it was imperative for the next government to ensure that domestic laws against corruption were strengthened and conform to international best practices.

He said currently, bodies established to implement anti- corruption laws, such as the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and ACC lacked autonomy, thereby creating loopholes in the country’s fight against the scourge.

Lubinda said Zambians should not give up on the fight against corruption because there was still room for the reinstatement of the abuse of office clause through change of government.

Parliament last year removed the abuse of office offence from the ACC Act despite opposition from various stakeholders who felt that the country’s public funds would be prone to abuse.

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