
Saturday, January 22, 2011

(MnG) Cabinet mulls how to create jobs

Cabinet mulls how to create jobs
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA Jan 17 2011 07:33

The Cabinet on Sunday began its annual January lekgotla (meeting) in Limpopo to discuss government's programme for the coming year with growth and jobs high on the agenda, government spokesperson Themba Maseko said.

The four-day meeting was expected to focus on the international and local economic outlook with a view to creating jobs after President Jacob Zuma told the African National Congress's national executive committee lekgotla last week to come up with a plan of action to create work.

Zuma told ruling party officials to create a blueprint on how the government could achieve the target of creating employment for five million people by 2020, as envisaged in the government's new growth path.

This should include identifying public sectors that could yield more jobs.

Implement now, fine tune later
Zuma urged party leaders to start implementing the growth path, the brainchild of Economic Development Minister Ebrahim Patel, immediately, saying it should not be debated forever but rather fine-tuned as they went along.

Officials told the media the decisions taken at the ANC meeting, which was also attended by the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Union (Cosatu), would form the basis for government plans to be drawn up at the meeting.

City Press reported on Sunday that the ANC meeting saw a heated debate over economic policy and the growth path, with Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi opposing the plan.

However, his views were rejected by Patel and Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan.

Ministers are also expected to look at the economic implications of South Africa joining the Bric group of nations -- Brazil, Russia, India and China.

Maseko said the meeting would provide the basis for Zuma's State of the Nation address on February 10, and would also focus on government's other main priorities -- health, education, rural development and safety.

Ministers and deputy ministers will attend the meeting and premiers and directors general of departments will take part in discussions on the final two days of the gathering. - Sapa

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