
Friday, January 21, 2011

Mongu killings are a crime by govt - Panji

Mongu killings are a crime by govt - Panji
By Christopher Miti in Chipata and Chibaula Silwamba in Lusaka
Fri 21 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

The Mongu killings were a serious crime by the government, Col Panji Kaunda has charged.

Commenting on the January 14 fracas between police and irate Mongu residents in which two people died and several others suffered injuries over the Barotseland Agreement, Col Panji said those who vilified him for his comments on violence should also condemn the recent killing and injuring of people in Mongu.

Col Panji said the police could only shoot to maim when life was in danger and not to kill.

"I hope the people who were condemning me for my statement can also condemn the killing and the injuring of people in Mongu," said Col Panji in an interview.

He said he was worried about the training of the police in the country.

Col Panji said the police were not trained to counter civil disobedience.

"I would like to pay my condolences to the bereaved family. Somebody somewhere there has lost a son, a brother and a relative," Col Panji said. "In my training we were taught no government should point a gun at its citizen. That's why we were taught to counter civil disobedience with non-lethal equipment."

And Col Panji said Zambians were departing from the One Zambia One Nation concept that the forefathers fought for.

Commenting on the current political trend where some leaders concentrated on tribal politics, Col Panji said it was worrying that the country was breaking away from the One Zambia One Nation concept.

"I say this in line with what happened in the last MMD conference here in Eastern Province. It's not my task to talk about this but I feel I need to give some examples on what democracy is all about," Col Panji said. "The story we are getting from the Chishala Chilufya an aspirant for the MMD chairmanship who withdrew from the race to pave way for incumbent Kennedy Zulu issue is that basically he wasn't allowed to stand just because he does not come from Eastern Province. To me, that's a departure from what our forefathers fought for."

He said people should not be segregated on tribal lines because Zambians were one.

"If this trend continues, we are going to destroy this country. During the UNIP days most of the government officers and party officials hardly served in their original places. Here in Eastern Province most of the government leaders were non-easterners. If we are not careful with this new tribal issue we are going to break up this country," said Col Panji.

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