
Friday, January 21, 2011

Nawakwi ‘salutes’ Rupiah over poverty admission

Nawakwi ‘salutes’ Rupiah over poverty admission
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Fri 21 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

EDITH Nawakwi has 'saluted' President Rupiah Banda for admitting that the recent economic growth is not translating into significant reductions in poverty. In an interview, Nawakwi, who is opposition FDD president said it was good that President Banda had started realising what was happening on the ground.

“I salute you (President Banda) and welcome to the club. What are we going to do now that we belong to the same club?” she said. Nawakwi said the economic growth registered did not match what was happening in the ground.

“People are living in abject poverty. You just need to go to Kuku compound which is water logged and people are living in water,” she said.

Nawakwi said what was happening in the country was growth amidst poverty. She said Zambians were being denied an opportunity to get involved in the development of the country. She cited the construction of the stadium in Ndola which was solely being done by the Chinese.

She said the fact that Zambians were not fully involved meant that the much talked about growth was going out of the country.

Nawakwi said most Zambians were ending up with empty stomachs and most affected were the many young university graduates without jobs.

She said there were many young people who had failed to proceed to grade eight because their parents and guardians could not afford to pay for their education due to lack of jobs.

“Just go to Ng’ombe compound and ask how many are not able to proceed to grade eight,” she said.

Nawakwi said there was need to rethink and redirect the course of development in Zambia. She said the profits that most foreign investors were making were not for the Zambian people and the treasury but went back to their respective countries.

Nawakwi cited mining companies who packed their backs and left when copper prices were down. She said President Banda had to start pleading with them to re-open the mines.

She said countries like Angola and Ghana were developing infrastructure using China but the problem in Zambia was that investment was usually in the short term, looking at what had happened with the mobile clinics.

Nawakwi said if other countries were able to develop infrastructure using the same resources from China, why should Zambia not do the same?

President Banda on Tuesday said Zambia’s recent positive economic growth was not translating into significant reduction in poverty levels.

President Banda said this in a speech read for him by Vice President George Kunda during the Zambia Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

President Banda said poverty levels in the country were acute especially in rural areas where the dwellers had been left out of the main economic realm of activities.

On Vice-President George Kunda’s campaigns on tribal lines in Southern Province, Nawakwi said he did not have issues and should not be taken seriously. Nawakwi said Zambia could not afford to have a president from each province.

She said issues of tribalism should be condemned as this could bring about conflicts.

“There is poverty in Lealui, if you look at Western Province, where can you see development?” she asked.

Nawakwi said the government must realise that the people of Western Province had been crying for development for long time.

And commenting on Sata’s call for the opposition to unite, Nawakwi said Zambians first needed to be told what was happening to the pact.

She said Zambians should be told whether there was a pact or not before Sata could appeal to other parties.

Nawakwi said Sata should state what the agenda was for unity so that people could understand where this was coming from.

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