
Saturday, January 08, 2011

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T attacks Zanu PF-supporting embassies

COMMENT - The MDC urges the use of NGOs as a conduit for gifts? That is a bit rich.

MDC-T attacks Zanu PF-supporting embassies
by Staff Reporter
07/01/2011 00:00:00

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party has launched an astonishing attack on unnamed foreign embassies for allegedly sponsoring Zanu PF. The party warned that it would “never forget any lines of support to a sunset party like Zanu PF”.

The MDC – which has faced Zanu PF accusations of being funded by western countries -- singled out Libya for special mention. Other unnamed embassies, the party said, “have sided with Zanu PF citing, deceptively, what they have termed their historical links with that party as the main reason for open support.”

The party added: “Because of Zimbabwe’s post-colonial history, any country that hobnobs and tries to breathe life to a dictatorship and a humanly-hazardous party, such as Zanu PF, must realise that the people of Zimbabwe always take such actions seriously.

“They shall reserve their natural right for an explanation when the sun rises in a new Zimbabwe.”

A recent donation of nine tractors to Information Minister Webster Shamu’s Chegutu East constituency by Libya appeared to torch off the MDC’s fury.

The MDC said Libya’s donation in aid of Shamu’s re-election bid exposed Zanu PF’s duplicity over foreign funding.

“Zanu PF openly receives foreign donations and funding for its programmes while (crying) foul when other parties merely receive unsolicited endorsement and solidarity messages from foreigners and numerous universal human rights defenders,” the party said in a statement.

“(The) Libyan donation represents a rising pattern in Zanu PF involving officials who abuse their ministerial positions to cajole Harare-based embassies to donate money, equipment and a plethora of trinkets to Zanu PF’s rural supporters.”

The MDC claimed the donation was arranged by Mugabe’s chief of protocol, Munyaradzi Kajese.

“We were dismayed by the involvement of Kajese, a civil servant and Zimbabwe’s chief of protocol, in the sourcing of the Chegutu tractors on behalf of Zanu PF.

“Kajese’s contract with government binds him to serve all Zimbabweans in their diversity.”

And in an apparent veiled reference to China and Russia, the MDC further warned that countries that continue to fund Zanu PF due to supposed historical links with the party would be made to account for undermining the country’s fight for democracy.

“The MDC calls on the inclusive government to urgently stop the illegal practice and urges foreign embassies to use state institutions and non-governmental organisations as agents and conduits for gifts meant for development assistance and poverty alleviation,” the party said.

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