
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rupiah-Chiluba alliance will destroy Zambia - Fr Luonde

Rupiah-Chiluba alliance will destroy Zambia - Fr Luonde
By Misheck Wangwe
Sat 15 Jan. 2011, 04:00 CAT

RUPIAH Banda will one day pay heavily for allowing Frederick Chiluba to steal from Zambians twice, says Fr Richard Luonde.

Commenting on Lusaka High Court judge Philip Musonda’s judgment in which he ordered the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) to surrender properties to Chiluba’s company Tedworth Properties Inc, Fr Luonde, an Anglican priest based in Kitwe said posterity would judge Chiluba and President Banda harshly for manipulating Zambians.

Fr Luonde said President Banda would also leave the office as a leader who shielded Chiluba from being prosecuted for stealing from Zambians.

He said Chiluba would remain guilty in the hearts of many people despite the ruling in the High Court that properties that were seized be given back to his company.

“Chiluba was just in ZCTU before he became president. Where did he get billions to acquire those flats that were published in The Post.

Rupiah wants to create two laws for this country; one for his friends who stole money and another for we the poor. Zambians should resist this Rupiah-Chiluba alliance because it will destroy the nation further before he leaves office,” he said.

Fr Luonde said it was distressing that President Banda decided to protect Chiluba instead of siding with the people and respect the constitution that gave Zambians the right to appeal cases of plunder of national resources to a higher court.

He said it was clear to many Zambians that President Banda’s government stopped the appeal against the ruling that was passed in the magistrates court in order to protect Chiluba.

“The cries of the poor and people who manipulate the poor for selfish gain will never go scot-free. He may fight for innocence and succeed but he remains guilty in the eyes of people and before God. Many people have continued to suffer because Chiluba and his friends plundered the economy but one day justice will be done,” Fr Luonde said.

He said as the country goes to the polls, people must begin to identify leaders who would put a stop to the rampant corruption that had manifested in the MMD government.

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