
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rupiah is digging own grave, says Sondashi

Rupiah is digging own grave, says Sondashi
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 13 Jan. 2011, 04:01 CAT

RUPIAH Banda is digging his own grave by embracing questionable characters like Frederick Chiluba and Xavier Chungu in his campaigns, says Ludwig Sondashi.

Commenting on veteran politician and lawyer Dr Rodger Chongwe’s withdrawal of support from President Banda owing to his indulgence with thieves, Sondashi, who is Forum for Democratic Initiatives (FDI) president and supported President Banda in the 2008 presidential elections, said he supported the President thinking the man was experienced enough to do a better job than late president Levy Mwanawasa.

He said it came as a surprise to him that President Banda failed to run the office of President properly after he was elected.

Sondashi said that was what led to him resigning from the MMD to form his own political party.

He said President Banda had embraced former president Chiluba and former intelligence chief Chungu to add to the many scandalous acts he had committed since assuming the presidency over two years ago.

“That entails doom. That means that we are going to square one,” Sondashi said.

He said he had advised president Mwanawasa to set up a judicial tribunal so that Chiluba’s cases could be handled quickly because if the cases drugged on, Chiluba and his co-accused would find a way of getting acquitted.

Sondashi said President Banda should be prepared for the consequences of being yoked with Chiluba.
“I don’t think Zambians will sit idle looking at this issue. You know the consequences are that the government is running a risk of being outvoted,” he said.

Sondashi said President Banda should not take the people’s silence over his many scandals for granted.

He said President Banda should clean up his ways because prominent people like Dr Chongwe could not withdraw their support for no reason.

Sondashi said the withdrawal of the support revealed public disgust at the manner President Banda was going about handling national matters.

“Rupiah must think seriously about this. And if I were him, I would have made a U-turn because I don’t think anyone is happy,” Sondashi said. “I think Rupiah is just digging his own grave.”

Sondashi said this was the same President who had gone against any reasonable sense to remove the offence of abuse of office from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act.

“The support of former president Chiluba and the coming on board of Chungu to support him tells a very big story. He is no longer interested in fighting corruption in this country and you know a stand on corruption is very important in a country,” Sondashi said. “And if a head of state does not show positivity in fighting corruption, then this country will run into a lot of difficulties with regards to the international community. There is a problem with Mr Rupiah Banda.”

On peace, Sondashi said the nation could expect violence, going by the failure to curb the vice which involved MMD cadres.

He supported Panji Kaunda’s statement that 2011 would be the bloodiest if President Banda and his government fail to address the issue of violence.

“They must work on ensuring that their party cadres do not cause violence because even the MMD itself does not expect to be roughed up by the opposition. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do even if you talk against some of the cadres like MMD Lusaka Province chairperson William Banda,” Sondashi said. “Those people enjoy presidential support.”

Sondashi wondered if the elections would be free and fair since the President had too much power.

He said President Banda appointed people in the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the Ministry of Home Affairs, and officials in those institutions could not rule against him, let alone discipline him.

Dr Chongwe recently withdrew his support for President Banda saying the man was not fit to continue serving as President after the 2011 elections.

He said he supported President Banda in 2008 believing he was a competent politician, but had now learnt a lesson.

Dr Chongwe said it never occurred to him that President Banda was going to bring Chiluba into his house and make him a consultant on development and politics.

He said President Banda was putting Zambia in trouble by embracing people like Chiluba and Chungu.

Dr Chongwe also said President Banda has been and continues to be a very divisive leader.

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