
Friday, January 21, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu-PF to launch "2 million men" sanctions campaign

Zanu-PF to launch "2 million men" sanctions campaign
By: Samantha Chidzero
Posted: Thursday, January 20, 2011 11:41 pm

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party will soon launch a "2-Million People Anti-Sanctions Sampaign" to show the world that western sanctions are hurting ordinary people.

The United States, Britain and their allies in the west have imposed illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe which they claim are "targetted" only on Zanu-PF officials. The party says it will launch massive campaigns to mobilise over 2 million people to sign an anti-sanctions petition.

The petition "will send a clear message to the world that illegal sanctions are not targeted at individuals as claimed by the West, but are an embargo aimed at effecting regime change in Zimbabwe," says Zanu-PF secretary for information and publicity, Rugare Gumbo.

Gumbo said a committee has already been set up as the massive campaign that is expected to be launched by President Mugabe.

On forthcoming elections, the Zanu-PF secretary accused the MDC formations of deliberately trying to delay the constitutional making process to serve their political careers.

"Zanu PF is fully aware of the MDC formations’ tactics to delay the constitutional process," he said.

"We (Zanu-PF) respect the election roadmap being crafted by Sadc and are geared up for the forthcoming elections set for this year."

On indigenisation, Gumbo said there was no going back as the process of indigenising companies which are not taking heed of the call to campaign for the removal of illegal sanctions has intensified.

That party's 11th National People’s Conference in Mutare passed a resolution calling for the takeover of western companies operating in Zimbabwe, which are not calling for the lifting of sanctions imposed by their parent nations.


Meanwhile the Zanu-PF Youth leadership has called on all youths across the political divide to desist from engaging in violent activities ahead of general elections slated for this year.

The Secretary for Finance in the youth wing, Obert Mutasa, said Zanu-PF youths are ready to defend the gains of the liberation struggle despite the continued efforts by some political parties to reverse them.

He denounced the use of violence saying they are preparing for a peaceful election.

“We will not tolerate violence and we want peaceful elections,” Mutasa said.

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